The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Skywatchers report close encounter with UFO

August 15, 2011
It used to be rare for skywatchers to actually see a UFO, but it is becoming increasingly common. In this case, the report claims that the group was approached as close as 500 feet by two objects. continued

Exeptional UFO sighting in new British MoD UFO files.

August 14, 2011

Cloud with a mind of its own falls out of sky in UAE

August 12, 2011
This must be a CGI effect, but we have sent it along to our video experts anyway. If it isn't, we'll certainly let you know. continued

Fascinating analysis of the 2007 Turkish UFO closeups

August 11, 2011
Quite an ambitious, interesting analysis. continued

Another Chinese UFO video. China very active.

August 11, 2011

China UFO similar to 1947 Ghost Rockets, 2010 Newfoundland ‘Missile’

August 9, 2011
In January of 2010, an object appeared over Newfoundland that appeared to be a rocket or missile. It was investigated by Canadian authorities and declared an unknown. This object videotaped yesterday in China seems strikingly similar. To see our story about... continued

UFO flashes lights over German city

August 6, 2011
This object flashed quite dramatically. It doesn't appear to be a known object and the video is likley not a CGi effect. continued

Carcass of an unknown mammal found on Minnesota road.

August 6, 2011
This creature has the claws of a badger, but its head has the structure of a dog's and it has a long tail. It was discovered dead on a road in Minnesota. continued

UFO photo from Canada’s Northern Territories

August 4, 2011
Good night UFO photo. continued

BBC reporter describes a spectacular UFO sighting this morning. Don’t miss this!

August 4, 2011
This story is remarkable for two reasons: first, that it is there at all; second that the BBC reporters accept the story and report it objectively. Timothy Good offers a very intelligent commentary after the report. Altogether, an excellent story. continued