The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Beautiful video of a huge, complex crop formation from July 29, 2011

August 3, 2011
The farmer whose field received this gorgeous formation threatened to spray people entering it. He has harvested the field. Ah, life on a falling world, such a delight. Will the angels catch YOU in time? continued

That huge circular Brazil UFO. More video.

August 3, 2011
This object has been dismissed as a LED kite, but these new videos make that less clear. For one thing, wind velocities were low over Sao Paolo on July 23. Were they high enough to keep a large rotating kite fitted... continued

Magentic people keep showing up. Simple hoaxes, or are we changing?

August 2, 2011
Another YouTube video has appeared of a magnetic child. There is no authoritative study of why this is happening, but it appears to be an unusual effect, so far without explanation. Or are the objects simply being glued to the... continued

More on that undersea UFO in the Baltic. A huge skidmark is now clear.

August 2, 2011
In June Peter Lindberg of the Ocean Explorer found an unusual object 285 feet down on the floor of the Baltic Sea. Now additional images show a clear skidmark behind the object. So what is it? The skidmark would suggest that... continued

UFO brightens, dims on Vancouver skycam–then vanishes.

August 1, 2011
Vancouver UFO Skywatch maintains a live UFO skywatch on UStream, which captured this object crossing the sky, then suddenly vanishing. It could be a high altitiude meteor skimming the atmosphere, or even a high-flying aircraft of some sort, but it is... continued

Interesting UFO video from Harbin, China

August 1, 2011
This could well be a CGI effect, but there is also a blurry object overtaking a black car on the road in the bottom of the frame that probably isn't, so we are including this on the off chance that there... continued

Family videos colorful UFO. Listen to the kids talking about it!

August 1, 2011
Obviously not a hoax. No zoom, either but it's clear enough that the object, which is rapidly changing color, is not a star. It is an unknown, and similar to an object that appeared for many years over Gulf Breeze, Florida. continued

DFW Tower cam captures strange light

July 29, 2011
Thanks to Linda Moulton Howe and, we have received an excellent video of a strange object that comes down from the sky, loops over land, then goes back up. It was taken by the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport Tower Cam,... continued

UFO and Military Planes observed in Big Bear Lake area.

July 28, 2011
There appears to be some heavy duty UFO activity taking place in California. Big Bear is not that far from Joshua Tree. continued

Frightening encounter in the Joshua Tree National Monument

July 28, 2011
Whitley Strieber sent us this with this comment, "We used to hear footsteps on the porch of our cabin, but no matter how fast we got out there, we never saw anybody. What happened to these folks in Joshua Tree... continued