The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

UFO or Bird?

January 15, 2016
Two astrophotographers found this image on their dashcam while driving in Australia. Our experts are unsure about what it is, but the consensus seems to be that it's not a fast moving insect. If it is not an unknown, then... continued

Authentic UFO Video from Canada

January 15, 2016
This video doesn't offer much visual information, but the witness description of what he was seeing is very precise: he was seeing a bright, diamond shaped object that appeared to be large. It was emitting a glow. He describes it... continued

High Strangeness in Alameda, California

January 7, 2016
This high strangeness photo was taken by a witness in Alameda, California on December 29. The sighting was a close one, and the object was flashing rapidly and moving too erratically to be a drone. Shortly, a second, similar object appeared. The... continued

Unusual Structure Over Australia

November 16, 2015
This video shows a strong infrared return of a triangular object at high altitude which either breaks up or stops emitting heat. (You can see it at the extreme bottom of the screen. Easiest to see using full screen setting.)... continued

I Know, It’s Just a Puppet but H-A-A-L-P!

November 13, 2015
Sure, it's just a puppet, but I can't find a thing wrong with this video! So what's going on here? Very, very creepy. continued

Spectacular UFO Sighting or Spectacular Hoax: Our Experts Report

November 1, 2015
This sensational UFO imagery has created a high level of interest. We sent it to our experts, expecting to hear back that it was a hoax. Instead, it turns out to have an 80% chance of being authentic. The report: The... continued

Smoking Gun Lunar Astronaut Photo

October 29, 2015
The image below was taken by Apollo 17 Astronaut Harrison Schmitt, one of the last men to walk on the moon. A tight triangular formation of blue lights is clearly visible on the right side of the image above the... continued

Another Extraordinary Mirage in China

October 22, 2015
In 2011, an amazing mirage appeared in China, and now another one has once again created a sensation. Of course, the general media has long ago forgotten the 2011 event, but not your Out There Editor. (To see it, click here.)... continued

OK, I’ll Bite: This One is Curious Indeed. Could the Jersey Devil be…Real??

October 14, 2015
Our friends over at Mysterious Universe find some unusual stuff, and this video of the Jersey Devil is no exception to that rule. But your Out There editor wasn't born yesterday, and I have to say that, while the wings are... continued

Unsual Light over Long Island

September 25, 2015
This one stumped MUFON investigators, and it has stumped us, too. It's a classic night light of a type that we don't usually bother with because its generally not possible to determine much of anything about them. This one is... continued