The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Video of bigfoot accidentally caught by hikers.

May 30, 2011
Looks pretty convincing, but of course it could simply be a friend or a prankster in a gorilla costume. Graded B. continued

New crop formation near the Sanctuary, Avebury, Wiltshire

May 29, 2011
This part of Wiltshire is among the most magically powerful places on earth. continued

Russian military spooked by UFO

May 28, 2011

Balls of light rise out of California neighborhood? UFOs? Earthquake lights?

May 28, 2011
Lights rising out of the ground have been associated with earthquakes, but also with UFO and close encounter activity. continued

Unknown object over Michigan. Excellent photo.

May 26, 2011
This is an outstanding photo of an unknown object in the sky. It appears to be moving very quickly, and the visible shape makes it unlikely that this is an insect or bird close to the camera. Graded B. continued

High levels of UFO activity extend to four states.

May 25, 2011

Mystery creature terrorizing Viet Nam villagers.

May 25, 2011

The Comet Elenin fantasy debunked by Elenin himself. (Yes, he’s real.)

May 25, 2011
Comet Elenin hysteria is a dangerous sickness. All of the conspiracy theories are wrong. It is an ordinary comet, period. The real astronomy done on the comet is clear: it is an ordinary, garden variety comet. Hysteria over Comet Hale-Bopp... continued

What does Ed Grimsley get on video? This is an excellent UFO video.

May 25, 2011
Ed Grimsley is the real deal. He has been the subject of a quiet investigation by Unknowncountry staff, and his videos are authentic. They are made using an infrared camera, and show a great deal of unexplainable activity in the... continued

The crop circle season gets underway with a second formation.

May 24, 2011
When Dreamland ran its 3 week crop circle exploration, the question was asked: when will it end? Apparently not just now. continued