Date of Sighting/Encounter (if known): November 22, 2011
Time of Sighting/Encounter (if known): between 2:30 and 3am
Location of Encounter: In my back backyard on the North side of Milwaukee WI USA
Details of Encounter: My dog came and licked my face to wake me sometime between 2:30 and 3 am. He had to go outside to do his business. As I open up my back door and I noticed a pale blue light in the sky I was able to get a closer look and it looked like a rounded out saucer. It was maybe 2000ft up in the sky. It was moving pretty fast maybe several hundred miles per hour. It made a 90 degree turn without slowing down at all and headed east towards lake Michigan. the following day I called the airport that is a few blocks from my house and they said they got some sort of blip on the radar around that time but to them it wasn’t anything unusual. I never saw any other reports of witnesses in the news/paper/online

Source: sighting report.

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