Is this a balloon, a CGI effect, or something truly mysterious? Our experts have weighed in on this, and this comment sums up the opinion of those who have sent us replies:

"They all have in common the fact that:
"1) no cross-confirming videos ever appeared, despite the humongously spectacular appearance of these alleged objects.
"2) they could all have been easily produced via CGI.
"3) none of them had audio tracks that convincingly (or at all) included expressions of amazement.
"This one is no exception to the above patterns, but it has two additional telltale features:
"- The UFO is sharper (less blurry) than the powerplant that’s allegedly at the same distance from the camera.
"- When the smaller pyramid passes into the shadow of the larger one, the shadow appears for a much shorter time than it should, given the width of the larger pyramid. The strange thing about this is that CGI software should not have made this kind of light-modeling error. I infer, therefore, that the two objects were created separately, then composited, then tracked to the random motions of the handheld camera."

So the question is, who would be bothering to create these, and why? The answer lies in advertising. People click on them. Advertisers pay. It mounts up.

The UFO phenomenon is a very real mystery, and using it in this way is immoral–but these days, who cares, right? Morality-schmorality! (Well, your Out There editor cares. A lot. We will keep looking for those real videos that are out there, and making what noise we can about the fakes.)
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