An reader sends this description of orange lights south of Kingman Arizone on Route 93, between 9 and 10PM February 7. The description of the operations suggests that these were not sky lanterns, but genuine unknowns:

Saw a bright orange light n the sky, seemed pretty big, thought it could be like a tower on a hill but the light sort of…retracted, like faded away and then suddenly appeared to the right. And then another orange light appeared.

They were big and glowing and we could see little tiny white lights that sort of looked like they came from the orange light of at least near it, they sort of zipped around, almost insect like, darting away from the orange balls of light and then back.

One of the orange lights appeared to shoot straight down towards the earth and then vanished, like it didn’t hit, it just shot down and then the light retracted away. It was a good 20 minutes to a half hour of activity in the sky.

We pulled our truck over to a safe spot to watch. The orange lights were more obvious and dramatic but watching closely the little specks of white lghts were actually zipping arond the sky a lot more, swinging back and turning and….just so weird.

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