Peter Levenda: Sinister Forces

September 17, 2005
Peter Levenda has just published one of the most important books about America ever written. Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft tells the dark and bloody story of how the occult and occult practices have been used to... continued

James Howard Kunstler and Anne Strieber

September 10, 2005
Anne Strieber is back as a Dreamland guest host. She's too busy editing and writing novels to handle a full time program of her own, but this week she kicks off her Dreamland guest hosting duties with a special... continued

Surviving Catastrophes with James Howard Kunstler

September 10, 2005
First Linda Howe discusses the case of Grant Cameron, the UFO investigator recently barred from entering the US. Then James Howard Kunstler knows his catastrophes--and how to survive them. In this interview, he tells us just what to expect of... continued

New Take On Katrina

September 3, 2005
This week on Dreamland, we concentrate on Hurricane Katrina--but in ways you will not hear anywhere else. First, we talk to weather expert Scott Stevens, who says that since the Russian deployment of the so-called "Woodpecker Grid" of radio frequencies... continued

Jim Marrs and Time Travel

August 20, 2005
Jim Marrs hosts the most amazing time travel program you will ever hear. First, a mind-bender of an interview with famed UK anomalies researcher Jenny Randles on the fact that many prominent scientists now think that time travel is not... continued

Author of Pleiadian Agenda

August 13, 2005
The author of Catastrophobia, the Pleiadian Agenda and many others updates us on the actual state of oil reserves, based on her research, and what people who are involved in spiritual search can do to directly affect the coming changes.... continued

Authors Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx On 2012

August 6, 2005
As the years seem to race past faster and faster, more of us wonder every day if the 2012 prophecies mean anything. Now Belgian authors Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx say that they have decoded the Mayan and Egyptian prophecies,... continued

Linda Howe with Bentwaters Stunner

July 30, 2005
This week we lead off with a stunner of a report from Linda Howe that breaks one of the greatest UFO cases in history wide, wide open. Over 4 days in 1980 there were a series of UFO events near... continued

William Henry and David Goddard

July 23, 2005
This week on Dreamland, guest host William Henry takes us on an unforgettable journey into the secrets of Alchemy and Kabbalah with renowned teacher David Goddard. As Dreamland listeners know, our hosts are experts, and they know who is the... continued

Paul Smith Remote Viewing

July 16, 2005
There is no more effective or professional remote viewer in the world than Paul Smith, nor one with more impeccable credentials. We've all heard all sorts of wild stories about the remote viewing program, but rarely have we heard from... continued