William Mann tells the story of the Knights Templar in America

May 15, 2004
William Mann tells the story of the Knights Templar in America. Did they bring the bloodline of Jesus and hidden knowledge that was later transmitted by the Master of the Key? Then Linda interviews Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan about the... continued

Great Cross of Hendaye

May 8, 2004
Whitley talks about the Day After Tomorrow and how, despite what most scientists are saying, the fossil record shows that extreme weather changes have happened in hours in the past and lasted for millennia. Then Jay Weidener on the mysteries... continued

JH Brennan — Evidence of Time Travel

May 1, 2004
JH Brennan says that there is evidence that time travelers from the future are already coming back into the past. Then, in a stunning synchronicity, Linda Howe interviews an engineer who may have seen a time machine in a cave... continued

Dr. Lynne Kitei — The Phoenix Lights

April 24, 2004
Dr. Lynne Kitei tells us how her contact with the Phoenix Lights developed into a huge public display, and discusses the frantic efforts of the US government and the skeptics community to debunk them as 'flares.' Then Linda Howe interviews... continued

Dr. Lynne Kitei — The Phoenix Lights

April 17, 2004
Dr. Lynne Kitei was the first person to see the Phoenix Lights, which, on March 13, 1997, stunned the entire community with what has come to be understood as the most important UFO event ever, the single event that points... continued

Will Hart – Are We Genetically Engineered?

April 10, 2004
You voted Will Hart our most popular guest of the past six months, so he's back for Easter! He says that the more we learn about genetic engineering, the more it seems that we're the product of it. Then, Linda... continued

Michael Christopher Carroll – Dangerous Laboratory

April 3, 2004
A dirty, badly run, insecure and just downright dangerous laboratory full of horrific biohazards lies a few hundred yards from the Connecticut coast and Michael Christopher Carroll wants you to know about it. Then, Linda Howe asks the question, since... continued

Dr. Bruce Goldberg – Future Life Progression?

March 27, 2004
Sure, you've heard of past life regression. But what about future life progression? Dr. Bruce Goldberg makes an unexpected and captivating case that this may not only be possible but that we can do it ourselves using his new book... continued

Russell Targ – Power of the Mind

March 20, 2004
Russell Targ is one of the creators of remote viewing. He's just published Limitless Mind, a magnificent book about the true power of the mind, and he shows us how to use our minds in a much richer, more powerful... continued

Gregg Braden – The God Code

March 13, 2004
Gregg Braden has discovered a coded message that is present in every living cell of every creature on earth. He calls this the God Code because it is, incredibly, related to the name of God in ancient Biblical alphabets. This... continued