Melinda Leslie’s UFO Sighting Tours Always Work–But Why?

August 6, 2021
Melinda Leslie has been running UFO sighting tours in Sedona, Arizona for years. Of over a thousand tours that she has conducted, only a tiny fraction have not led to sightings, as agreed by her clients and verified by her... continued

UFOs and the REAL Deep State

July 30, 2021
This week on Dreamland, we cover the REAL deep state and the UFO coverup as never before. The idea of the deep state has been discredited by extreme and unbelievable claims--almost as if an effort is underway to hide it... continued

Dreamland this Week: The Extraordinary Contacts of Deb Kauble (the Subject of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders): Prepare to be Amazed, Awed and Lifted to a New Level

July 23, 2021
Debra Jordan-Kauble was the "Kathie Davis" of Budd Hopkins' classic book of abduction, "Intruders." Here, she joins Whitley for one of the most moving and inspirational editions of Dreamland that we have ever recorded. Whitley considers Debbie's new book a... continued

David Metcalfe on UFOs, UAPs, ET Contact, Black Magic and the Secrets of the Ages

July 16, 2021
Dreamland this week: David Metcalfe is a brilliant polymath whose explorations of the UFO/UAP/ET phenomenon (phenomena??) are among the deepest you are going to find.  If you look him up on Google or DuckDuckGo, you will find that he is... continued

A Hidden Hall has been Found in the Great Pyramid. Expert Scott Creighton Reveals Its Incredible Meaning

July 9, 2021
Dreamland this week: There is a void in the Great Pyramid at Giza. What is in it? What is it telling us about the lost past and maybe the future? Renowned expert Scott Creighton reveals research that suggests that what... continued

Dreamland Podcast: The Hidden Reason for the Secrecy, and Why the Word “Threat” is Used in the New Threat Assessment

July 2, 2021
Dreamland this week: Dr. Irena McCammon Scott uses her great knowledge and expertise to explain to us the why of UFO secrecy dating back from 1947, then goes on to discuss the explosive reason that the recently released Threat Assessment... continued

Dreamland this Week: Wondrous: Researcher Preston Dennett Tells Us About NEW UFO Encounters

June 25, 2021
Preston Dennett's Wondrous is one of the most compelling and well-researched books about close encounters to have been published in a long, long time. With 35 years of research experience behind him, Preston brings true expertise to the work he... continued

Dreamland This Week: A Intelligence Officer from the USS Roosevelt Speaks Out about the ‘Gimbal’ UFO Incident

June 18, 2021
One of the great secrets of the whole UFO/UAP phenomenon is the effect that it has on military personnel who are involved in sightings and close encounters. If they become interested in what they have encountered and start to inquire... continued

The Trinity Crash: Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris Uncover an Unknown UFO Crash from 1945

June 11, 2021
Don't believe the debunkers: this is an excellent book and a very thorough job of research. Listen as Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris take us down the tangled path to the Trinity crash. Along the way we will learn what... continued

Beyond 60 Minutes: Grant Cameron on the True Depth of Contact

June 4, 2021
While the 60 Minutes story on the UFO/UAP phenomenon that aired on Sunday, May 16 was nothing new to us experiencers and followers of the UFO disclosure process, it means that the general public and the popular media are no... continued