Dreamland’s Year-End Special–A New Year, a New World: Five Incredible Guests Tell Us What They Know

December 25, 2020
Dreamland's Year End Special will run for 2 weeks starting December 25. This very important presentation will be made available in full to both subscribers and free listeners. In the spaces between each of our five guests, Whitley will read... continued

Consciousness, the Electromagnetic Brain and the Free Mind

December 18, 2020
On Dreamland this week, Dr. Shelli Renee Joye joins Whitley in a wide-ranging discussion of her work in the area of electromagnetic field theory and the nature of consciousness. Sound a little dry? Well--NOT! They go down all kinds of... continued

A New Vision of the Afterlife PLUS a Great Crop Circle Story

December 11, 2020
This week's Dreamland: From Whitley: Something unexpected happened on the way to this week's Dreamland. What I have done is to go back deep into our files to a show we did before we began posting Dreamland on the site.... continued

Psychokinesis, NDEs, a Beautiful Anne Strieber Contact and Much, Much More!

December 4, 2020
Dreamland this week starts with a reading of Anne Strieber's first new diary in many months, which was inspired by the show. Then Cherylee Black, a guest new to Dreamland, joins us to tell about her remarkable life as a... continued

Teacher, Genius, Lunatic–With Jeremy Vaeni, Choose All Three!

November 27, 2020
In the foreword to Jeremy Vaeni's new book, famed Rice University religious scholar and co-author of Super Natural with Whitley Strieber calls Jeremy "my teacher." He can be yours, too, if you dare to listen to this wild and wonderful... continued

Dreamland This Week: First, Bigfoot in Many Dimensions, then Remote Healing: WHY and HOW It Works from a Legendary Expert

November 20, 2020
Joshua Cutchin returns to Dreamland with a FABULOUSLY INTERESTING take on Bigfoot, multi-dimensional beings, UFOs, fairy and witch lore--and, well, you just have to listen to this interview to get the whole story. The great thing about having Whitley as... continued

The Spectacular Haunting of Paul Sinclair and Those Whom He Loves

November 13, 2020
This is, without question, one of the most powerful and convincing close encounter interviews that has ever been done on Dreamland. Paul Sinclair has been on the show before talking about his research into UFOs, close encounters and the uncanny... continued

An Intimate Journey to Other Worlds with Close Encounter Witness Steve Neill

November 6, 2020
Whitley Strieber's Dreamland this week. Like so many people in the close encounter experience, Steve Neill is a military brat. His father was in submarines in the US Navy. What, exactly, he did, but like so many other witnesses whose... continued

Whitley on the COVID and the Election, then The Martians: Who Were They, Who ARE They…Or Are They at All??

October 30, 2020
First, Whitley talks about the COVID upsurge and the election. How do we find inner peace at a time like this? He reads a meditation by Daniel Odier on "organic joy." Nick Redfern joins Whitley for a marvelous discussion about... continued

James Fox and Marc Barasch, Director and Writer of Runaway Hit Film The Phenomenon

October 23, 2020
The last 3 lines of Whitley's book A New World are "It is time." And it looks like that's EXACTLY what it is, right now, and the Phenomenon is a MAJOR step forward in expanding public awareness of the UFO... continued