Powerful New Afterlife Insights

August 9, 2019
Cindy Spring was not a channel, but then her dear friend, psychologist, afterlife expert and author Frances Vaughan died and she began trying to contact her. She used methods described by Matthew McKay in Seeking Jordan and soon opened an... continued

A Counselor and an Experiencer Explore Together

August 2, 2019
Artist and director Steve Neill is a lifelong close encounter witness and Yvonne Smith of the Close Encounter Resources Organization has been counseling such witnesses for 20 years. Listen as Steve and Yvonne discuss their lives and work and tackle... continued

Stonehenge: It’s Impossible, and Yet They Built It!

July 26, 2019
Stonehenge took 500 years to build and required up to 30% of the population of Great Britain to do it. Think about that. What if three out of every ten Americans worked on a single structure for 25 generations? That’s... continued

Lost Interest in Crop Circles? We Have Got NEWS for You!

July 19, 2019
In this mind-opening interview, one of the world’s leading crop circle experts tells the story of the incredible experiences that happen in and around crop formations—including the time she herself disappeared and approached a house via a front gate that... continued

Jesse James and the Lost Templar Treasure

July 12, 2019
Jesse James was an outlaw. He was murdered by his friend Robert Ford on April 3, 1882. He had absolutely nothing to do with buried treasure, knew no esoteric secrets and was never called anything remotely like James Lafayette Courtney.... continued

High Strangeness with Linda Howe, PLUS a First Listen to Whitley’s New Book

July 4, 2019
First Whitley spends a few minutes with Mia Feroleto talking about a remarkable conference to be held July 18-22 at the Pine Ridge Reservation near Rapid City, SD on July 18-22. You can learn more by emailing mia.feroleto@gmail.com or calling... continued

First, Nobel Prize Winner Confronts the Unreal, then Leslie Kean on the Latest NY Times UFO Stories

June 28, 2019
First, Whitley’s Super Natural co-author Dr. Jeff Kripal joins us to talk about his new book The Flip, about changing the way we think to include things that seem impossible but are actually real. Why do we ignore them? Why... continued

Summer Solstice Celebration with Catmagic

June 21, 2019
It’s summer solstice weekend and what better way to celebrate than with a Wiccan high priestess! Here on Dreamland we welcome all searchers, so we’re taking this opportunity to listen to the wisdom of Wiccan author Deborah Blake whose new... continued

Wright-Patterson UFO Secrets

June 14, 2019
We all know about the Roswell Incident. That is really happened is now an open secret, and the fact that bodies and debris were recovered is generally accepted. Ditto that they were shipped off to Wright Field in Dayton. BUT... continued

The Hidden Story of Moses…and His Murder

June 7, 2019
Rand Flem-Ath returns to Dreamland with a truly astonishing show—he believes that he has proof that Moses was murdered in his youth and replaced by another man. There follows one of the most incredible and important stories you will ever... continued