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First, a Top Remote Viewer Tackles Alien Video, THEN John Hogue on Nostradamus and Notre Dame!
April 26, 2019First Whitley learns some startling things about a group of alien videos from remote viewer John Vivanco on alien videos, then John Hogue talks about why the Nostradamus Quatrain being circulated on the internet does NOT predict the Notre Dame... continued
Lee Harris on Living, Loving and Awakening
April 22, 2019Famed medium Lee Harris joins Whitley today to tell us about his journey into mediumship and what he has learned over the years about what it means to live empowered in spirit and in joy. As she often does when... continued
Evil Archaeology
April 12, 2019What a show! It seems that there is plenty of evidence that the past had a very different relationship with good and evil than we now understand, and that people believed that images themselves had power, and sometimes images were... continued
Signs from the Other Side
April 5, 2019n this exciting show, Bill Philipps proves one thing: he really is a medium and a darned good one. There are at least three moments in which he and Whitley connect psychically, Anne comes in, Bill’s mom comes in through... continued
The Monsters in Your Back Yard…and They are There!
March 29, 2019America is full of monsters and Jason Offutt has researched most of them! Listen as he tells Whitley his eerie findings from the high strangeness of shadow people he has seen himself to a living UFO to giant birds and... continued
Angels, Disincarnate Entities and Demonic Possession
March 22, 2019Susan Martinez returns to Dreamland with her new book, Field Guide to the Spirit World: the Science of Angel Power, Disincarnate Entities and Demonic Possession. Is modern psychology right in assuming that all mental problems stem from either brain disfunction... continued
Tales from the Borderland: Spontaneous Human Combustion and Beyond
March 15, 2019Louis Proud returns on wings of fire discussing spontaneous human combustion, poltergeist activity and all manner of things that go bump in the night—including Whitley! Was his own well documented ‘electromagnetic effect’ responsible for the recent weirdness that unfolded at... continued
Life In (and Out) of the Matrix
March 8, 2019Sonia Barrett joins Whitley for a powerful exploration of the matrix we all live in and why Whitley is experiencing so many attacks. You can hear in his voice the desperation that he feels as he struggles with shattering close... continued
American Cosmic Part 2
February 23, 2019This is Dreamland's second week with American Cosmic. Because two of the individuals discussed under pseudonyms in the book hold security clearances and requested that the interviews be officially vetted for possible issues, we had to agree to let security... continued
American Cosmic: A UFO Breakthrough
February 14, 2019Dr. Diana Pasulka, the Chairman of the Department of Religion at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, has written one of the most extraordinary and important UFO books that has ever been published. She had unprecedented access to two people... continued