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Easter Special: Crop Circles and an Excerpt from Afterlife Revolution
March 31, 2018Remember crop circles? We Americans have been cleverly misled by expert social manipulators into dismissing them all as man made. Starting with the absurd "Doug and Dave" explanation (two men created them with boards on their feet) to the modern... continued
Life After Death: An Analysis of the Evidence
March 24, 2018Join Whitley and neuroscientist Robert Davis as they explore the latest experimental evidence and theories of our continued existence after death--and the fascinating, provocative connection between the visitors and the dead that was such an important part of Anne Strieber's... continued
Journeys in the Kali Yuga
March 16, 2018Come on a journey of discovery with a true pilgrim who crossed India and Nepal in search of his own soul and meaning, then returned to Europe where he found powerful connections between the gods of India and the gods... continued
New Energy for a World Just Being Born
March 10, 2018Energy is changing. You can see it in the #MeToo movement and in so many other areas of modern life. Women are stepping up and demanding more equality, more respect and more space for themselves and their ideas. They want... continued
Finding the Treasure in Your Own Life and Soul
March 2, 2018Are we drifting randomly through life or is there a way of living that enables us to find clues about where we might be able to go and what adventures we were meant to be on? In this provocative interview,... continued
Erich von Daniken: The Gods are Still Here!
February 17, 2018Erich von Daniken's new book, the Gods Never Left Us is the sequel, 50 years in the making, to his powerful and controversial bestseller, Chariots of the Gods. It goes FAR BEYOND Chariots. Listen as Whitley asks Eric the kinds of questions... continued
How to Live with a Psychic: Your Guide for Maintaining a Happy Relationship when Someone You Love Gets Weird
February 17, 2018Crystal Hope Reed is a mental health educator. Shortly after she got married, her husband had a profound paranormal experience and psychic awakening that changed both of their lives. Listen as Marla Frees interviews Crystal about not only what happened,... continued
The Secret Life of Spirit and Why It Matters to You
February 8, 2018We explore the complex, amazing and vividly alive world of spirit with famed psychic medium William Stillman. As usual, Whitley takes us down some very unusual and unexpected paths involving an actual journey into the heavenly realm as Bill has... continued
Truth Proof 2: UFO Metaresearch
February 2, 2018UK UFO researcher Paul Sinclair returns to Dreamland with a group of truly remarkable stories, most notably a recent incident in the small community of Wiltsthorpe. This extraordinary incident started just last May and is continuing. You will not often have heard... continued
Year of the UFO: A Forgotten Incident of Great Importance
January 27, 2018Now that the New York Times has reported that there are unknown objects being tracked in our skies, it's time to take a fresh look at what is happening to people who come close to them, or even enter them.... continued