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Weapons of the Gods
June 16, 2016This week, we go on an adventure into a very strange corner of the world of the past. Nick Redfern has returned from his travels with a new and frightening discovery about the past: there are areas of the middle... continued
What Happens When We Die
June 9, 2016Echo Bodine is one of the most powerful psychics who appears regularly on Dreamland. This week, she tells us where it all comes from in her life, and how your own psychic abilities can affect YOUR life. When you hear how... continued
John Hogue Returns: Old Predictions Revisited and New Prophecies
June 3, 2016John Hogue returns to talk prophecy and explain to us how he managed to correctly predict that Donald Trump would be the Republican presidential nominee back on January 8, when talking on Dreamland about his book Trump for President: Astrological... continued
John Hogue Returns: Old Predictions Revisited and New Prophecies
June 3, 2016John Hogue returns to talk prophecy and explain to us how he managed to correctly predict that Donald Trump would be the Republican presidential nominee back on January 8, when talking on Dreamland about his book Trump for President: Astrological... continued
Why Prayer Doesn’t Work…and Why It Does.
May 27, 2016Have you ever had the experience of praying for something you desperately needed and not getting it? Of course you have, and it's probably why you don't pray a lot. It doesn't work. Or does it? When Anne Strieber got... continued
Practical Psychic Self Defense
May 19, 2016Robert Bruce returns with new insights into psychic self defense and out of body experiences. He takes us through the process of leaving the body and also describes some fantastic personal experiences of possession and fighting off what he calls... continued
The Wisdom of Near Death Experiences
May 13, 2016Dr. Penny Sartori started as an emergency room nurse and, after observing some very unusual events surrounding the deaths of some patients, became interested in the near death experience and the afterlife. This week, she shares her findings with us,... continued
The Amazon: Gateway to Other Worlds
May 5, 2016The Amazon—a place of great wonder, arguably even a gateway to other worlds. It holds many secrets, or rather, its tribal peoples hold those secrets. They don’t give them up easily, either, which is why it took Michael Peter Langevin... continued
Lost Knowledge, Hidden Meanings
April 29, 2016This is among the strangest and most wonderful stories ever told on Dreamland. Mark Vidler and Catherine Young have made a momentous discovery about ancient megaliths that suggests that our ancestors not only had great knowledge of this planet, but... continued
The View Across the Bridge
April 20, 2016The stream of time has depths and shallows. Mostly, we live in the depths, but when death approaches and we prepare to leave, we move to the shallows. As we do this, the world around us grows quiet and the... continued