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Stock Markets Around the World are Crazy. Catherine Austin Fitts Explains Why
September 2, 2015Stock markets around the world, including ours, are going crazy. It appears that China may be on the brink of a financial meltdown. The media is screaming and people are panicking. But should they? Catherine Austin Fitts is back on... continued
Linda Moulton Howe Breaks the Jeffrey Lash Case!
August 29, 2015Linda Moulton Howe reports on the bizarre life and death of "Jeffrey Lash" who claimed to be an alien-human hybrid and who died in the parking lot of the grocery store Whitley Strieber uses every few days. Lash died in... continued
Prophecies for the Last Blood Moon
August 20, 2015John Hogue has gone deeply into Hopi prophecy in his new book, and here he tells us some of the startling discoveries he has made, with special reference to the last blood moon of this era, which rises on September... continued
A Close Encounter Witness with Extensive Evidence to Support His Claims
August 12, 2015One of the very rarest things that we see in the close encounter experience is a witness who actually has verifiable evidence of his claims. Such a witness is Paul Sinclair, this week visiting Dreamland for the first time, and... continued
Peter Levenda and Joseph Farrell Reveal the Dark Energies of the Modern World
August 7, 2015There are dark energies abroad in our world. Why, for example, did Islamic Jihad start as soon as the Cold War ended? Was this just an accident, or is there somebody behind the scenes at work who has an interest... continued
Week One: the Nazis, the Ultra-Wealthy, Mind Control and US
July 31, 2015Joseph Farrell joins us for week one of one of the deepest explorations of the influence of Nazism in modern life that you will ever hear. Did you know that even though representatives of the German Army and the German... continued
Linda Moulton Howe: Bizarre Cat Mutilations are a Worldwide Scourge, PLUS a Mysterious Boom, an Injured Woman
July 23, 2015Another horrific half-cat mutilation cycle has begun. As before, not a trace of any perpetrator can be found, despite the large number of felines affected. Then, in the second half of the show, a mysterious boom throws a woman across... continued
Deep Scanning Egypt for Deep, Deep Secrets
July 16, 2015THERE ARE SECRETS HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. Then there are secrets hidden just plain out of sight. What can one person do with knowledge of ancient Egypt, skills with a GPS and contacts to get a high resolution satellite-based scan... continued
The Best Researched, Strongest Modern UFO Case
July 3, 2015In January of 2008, the citizens of Stephenville, Texas were astonished to observe numerous unknown objects in their skies, being chased by military jets. Ken Cherry headed up a team of investigators who conducted one of the most exhaustive and well... continued
The Spiritual Mysteries of Blood
June 26, 2015There are spiritual mysteries connected with blood, you ask? Blood is the seat of being, and Christopher Vasey tells us why. The importance of bloodlines has been a part of western culture from time immemorial, but the way that blood... continued