Starfire Tor and the Dark Wind

June 19, 2015
Last November, during a period of extreme stress, Starfire Tor was nearly killed by a devastating seizure. On her road to recovery, she has come to mind-opening and mind-bending new insights about the nature of evil and the hidden realities... continued

Proof of Heaven Author Eben Alexander on Soul Transformation

June 12, 2015
William Henry interviews Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell on the transformation of the soul and the human journey toward heaven. How can we recognize our inner divinity and let it shine through? Listen as Dr. Alexander and Karen Newell... continued

Is There a Hidden Power Seeking the Ruin of Our World?

June 4, 2015
One of our most popular Dreamlands of 2012 was Dark Lord with Peter Levenda. Now Peter returns with new revelations about how evil works in the world. This time, we explore Thelemic Magic more deeply, and ask whether or not... continued

“God Laughs and Plays”

May 29, 2015
The human journey is meant to be one of awakening. But we are drawn off the true path by the constant noise of the world around us. Or are we? Perhaps we can find the path if we trust it... continued

The Alien Body Slides

May 19, 2015
Whitley Strieber, Jaime Maussan and Linda Moulton Howe join together to discuss the controversial "alien body" slides that Jaime presented at the "Be Witness" project in Mexico City on May 5. Linda Moulton Howe drops the biggest bombshell in the... continued

Brigid: Goddess, Saint, Voodun Diety

May 14, 2015
There is almost no sane, truthful information in the general media about modern Wicca and its deities, so this week we delve deeply into the story of the Celtic Goddess Brigid, mother, daughter, healer, warrior, goddess of magic. We talk... continued

Ancient America: Our Lost Legacy

May 7, 2015
Not only did Columbus not discover America, you cannot understand the modern world unless you understood who came here before and why, and why it was that Columbus came, and what secrets he sought. Carl Lehrburger has spent the past... continued

The Solari Report: The Big Picture

May 1, 2015
First Half Hour of Dreamland (Free) This week on Dreamland, we turn the tables. Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report interviews Whitley Strieber on what the future holds. Whitley explains the significance of such things as the warming pattern now... continued

Great Energies are Returning: Tricia McCannon Explains

April 22, 2015
First Half of Dreamland (Free) Tricia McCannon is one of the great wisdom teachers of our time, and this week she brings her knowledge to Dreamland in this powerful discussion of her book the Return of the Divine Sophia: Healing... continued

Possession, but NOT the Way You Think

April 17, 2015
Dreamland First Half When we think of possession, we think of demons, but that is not all there is to it, not by a long shot. Diana Paxson says that we can choose who we want to let in, and... continued