July 4th Special: Whitley Interviews Alien Hunter Flynn Carroll

July 4, 2014
Whitley Strieber interviews Flynn Carroll, the master alien hunter of the books Alien Hunter and Alien Hunter: Underworld, about why he finds it necessary to hunt some aliens as if they were criminals, and just what sort of crimes aliens... continued

Jim Marrs: The Fate of the Nation from the Founders to Iraq

June 27, 2014
Jim Marrs returns to Dreamland with powerful new information about Iraq, officially sanctioned drug running from the opium wars to the present, and beyond that to the fate of western empires, including our own. This show offers unique insight into... continued

Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind

June 19, 2014
Suspicious deaths, mysterious murders and bizarre disappearances plague the history of the UFO phenomenon. Across the past 60 years, there are dozens of examples, ranging from the murder or suicide of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal to many pilot deaths and... continued

It’s Time to Escape from the Lies that Hold Us Back

June 12, 2014
This is Laurence Galian's first visit to Dreamland, and he has a powerful message about how the power elite hold us back and what we can do about it. He calls himself a 'quantic vibrational therapist,' so Whitley starts out... continued

Hidden Wisdom Revealed

June 4, 2014
Behind every myth, fairy tale and legend--hidden within the art, song and structures of ancient times--is an encoded layer of wisdom, science and truth. In this interview, Marie D. Jones explains how ancient cultures conveyed cutting-edge scientific knowledge in their... continued

SPECIAL REPORT: The Human Hybrid Issue

May 31, 2014
Could it be that the human race is being replaced by a new human-alien species, without our knowing it? This week, Linda Moulton Howe reports on an individual who believes that she is an alien-human hybrid. Linda interviews Helen Littrell... continued

Induced After Death Communication

May 22, 2014
Dr. Allan Botkin has pioneered a means of inducing afterlife communication using a variant of EMDR, or eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing. This process is used to help people who have post-traumatic stress disorder, but it turns out that it has... continued

Amazing Science of Ancient Japan

May 17, 2014
                                  Graham Hancock discovered extremely strange ruins submerged off the coast of Japan. Now Avery Morrow has discovered who built them and how their amazing science worked. It seems that there are very old families in Japan who have preserved... continued

Forgotten Civilization: Solar Outbursts, Our Lost Past and Our Mysterious Future

May 8, 2014
The legendary Dr. Robert Schoch has made a dramatic discovery about the sun's role in the sudden, cataclysmic upheavals that characterize the life of planet earth. Here, he describes what happened to Earth the last time a solar superstorm took... continued

Trish and Rob MacGregor on Synchronicity and Close Encounters

May 2, 2014
Trish and Rob MacGregor tell some fascinating stories from their new book, the Synchronicity Highway, including a startling synchronicity involving Edward Snowden, and a mind-bending prophecy of the Titanic disaster that appeared in 1898. Did you know that 899 people... continued