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DNA of the Gods
April 23, 2014Chris Hardy is a cognitive and systems scientist who holds a doctorate in psychological anthropology. She is also an expert in a very esoteric area: the question of whether or not there is evidence of genetic engineering in human evolution.... continued
Robert Moss on Dreams as the Gateway into Other Worlds
April 18, 2014Robert Moss is one of the great dream teachers. He tells us about his discoveries going through the gateway of dreams into other universes and levels of existence that are very real, and very, very important. This is because the... continued
Fukushima: Off the Media’s Radar but the Danger is WORSE
April 10, 2014The media has gotten bored with the story of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdown, but the radioactive debris will soon reach the US West Coast. Should we worry? Not only worry, but prepare. This is a very dangerous... continued
John Hogue: Is War Coming??
April 3, 2014When he was last with us, John Hogue promised to return with his 2014 Prediction. He has and they are intense. Whitley Strieber comments, "When John told me that he thought 2014 would be a lot like 1914 when World... continued
The Secret Influence of the Moon
March 27, 2014Our closest cosmic neighbor is also a great cosmic mystery. It has power over us, exerting mysterious influences that have profoundly impacted our history and impacts the lives of every one of us every day. But what is the moon?... continued
Flight 370 Special, then NPR Correspondent Margot Adler on Vampires
March 11, 2014First, Linda Moulton Howe reports on the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, including a discussion--a rational and accurate one--of aircraft disappearances that have been connected to UFO events, of which there are three known, all involving much smaller planes. Then... continued
Starfire Tor’s Rain Prediction Works
March 7, 2014On February 6, Whitley Strieber asked Starfire Tor during the recording of the Februrary 14 show if she could bring rain to parched California. Later that day, she emailed him that she was trying. There was no rain in the... continued
High Strangeness Astrology Discovery
March 1, 2014In January frequent Dreamland guests Trish and Rob MacGregor brought a very strange astrology discovery to Whitley Strieber's attention. It seems that there is a relationship between the movement of named asteroids and events relating to the people who have those... continued
Mysterious Murders and Disappearances
February 21, 2014Back in 2006, Bill Sweet of Spindrift Research was with us on Dreamland discussing the mysterious disappearances of 2 colleagues who were doing scientific research into the power of prayer. Bruce and John Klingbeil had made some powerful breakthroughs in... continued
Starfire Tor Part 2: Whitley and Anne’s New Timeslip
February 14, 2014Shortly after recording last week's show with Starfire Tor, Whitley and Anne Strieber had another timeslip. Even stranger, the new event was strikingly similar to one that happened to them when in the company of Starfire in 2006. Here the... continued