The Most Startling Abduction Cases Ever Reported

June 21, 2013
This is the single best abduction story we have ever done. It is absolutely astonishing, sobering and brilliantly researched by Kathleen Marden and the witness herself, Denise Stoner. Kathleen Marden is MUFON's director of alien abduction research, with 23 years... continued

Privacy, the NSA and the Snowden Scandal

June 14, 2013
PLEASE NOTE: THIS EDITION OF DREAMLAND AND THE SUBSCRIBER INTERVIEW  WILL BE POSTED AT 10AM PACIFIC TIME SATURDAY 06/15/13. Bradley Manning and now Edward Snowden have risked their lives and their freedom to disclose official secrets. Why? Is it right or wrong, good or bad? And what does it mean for the future? The US Constitution does... continued

The UFO Contact Experience

June 4, 2013
 Legendary science reporter and broadcaster Ralph Steiner presents his new documentary the UFO Contact Experience this week on Pacifica Radio. Listen to this riveting interview about the story BEHIND it! Ralph Steiner's new audio documentary is a mind opening, mind... continued

Bigfoot: Where are we now?

May 31, 2013
FREE STREAM PLAYING AS OF 05/31/13 1:50 PDT. Last fall, the discovery of Bigfoot DNA was announced. Where are we now with this? Is it true, a mistake, a hoax or just being ignored by science because it flies in the face of expectations? This... continued

Why We Fear Death, and Why We Shouldn’t

May 24, 2013
Real knowledge of the what actually happens after death is so powerful that it can trigger profound changes in body, mind and spirit. And yet it is kept from us. Julia Assante says we can explore the true focus of... continued

Encounters with the Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians

May 16, 2013
This week, Dreamland continues its exploration of the treasure trove of Native American experience with our visitors. Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, professor emeritus at Montana State University, offers a collection of intimate narratives of encounters between Native Americans and people from... continued

Star Ancestors: ET in the Native American Tradition

May 10, 2013
Nancy Red Star brings the theme of the 'sky elders' from Native American tradition and discusses the rich relationship native peoples have with them. The wisdom of the sky elders is a deep part of the native American traditions, and... continued

UFOs and Government: the Deepest Insights Ever

April 30, 2013
Last week, we begin a series on the hard facts of the UFO mystery. It has been clear for a long time that the US government has information about UFOs and possible aliens that it doesn't share with the public.... continued

The Enigmatic Mind Behind the UFO Phenomenon

April 26, 2013
There is a subtle, acute and very strange mind behind UFO phenomena. When its actions are observed carefully, astonishing facts about this powerful intelligence come to light. Author Micah Hanks begins our two-week series on UFOs with a discussion of... continued

Syncrhonicity, Close Encounters and the Fear Factor

April 19, 2013
Trish and Rob MaGregor, authors of Aliens in the Backyard, tell of the strange time-synchronicities that seem to herald their appearance in our lives. This discussion of some of the strangest and most powerful cases of abduction reveal how little... continued