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Unexplained Explosions Now Worldwide
April 26, 2012They started in Clintonville, Wisconsin. They were dismissed as a local phenomenon. But they have now spread to 12 states, the United Kingdom and possibly Lithuania. They are loud, often metallic-sounding explosions of unknown origin. In the UK, a powerful explosion heard over... continued
An Abductee Gets Personal–and Goes Public!
April 20, 2012Close encounter witnesses rarely state their names in public, but Suzanne Chancellor not only does that, she's got a blog and a radio show, and a phenomenal story to tell. Listen and be horrified, enthralled and amazed as Whitley Strieber questions her on... continued
Too Many People are Missing: the Story BEHIND the Story!
April 11, 2012On March 25, David Paulides riveted Coast to Coast AM listeners with his stories about missing people in the western US, many of the cases unsolved, many of them inexplicable. Whitley Strieber listened to the show and immediately got Dave scheduled for... continued
Easter Special: The Journey to “I AM”
April 5, 2012For our Easter offering this year, we wanted to do something joyous and life-affirming, as befits this ancient celebration of resurrection and rebirth. Tom Shadyac is one of the great comedy directors of modern times, with films to his credit... continued
The Last Pole Shift, Atlantis and Current Changes
March 28, 2012Has earth's crust shifted in the past and could it do so again? This week on Dreamland, Whitley Strieber asks one of the world's leading authorities, Rand Flem-Ath, what he believes has happened in the past, and how near we... continued
First, Strange Sounds, now Strange BOOMS
March 22, 2012Starting in March of 2011, strange rushing and trumpet-like sounds began to be heard worldwide. Now, over many parts of the central United States, unexplained loud explosions are being heard. But what might of all of this mean? This week... continued
How to REALLY Contact the Other Side
March 15, 2012Signs from the afterlife are everywhere, but you have to know how to look. Here, Rob and Trish McGregor share with Marie D. Jones and with us their discoveries about making genuine, repeatable and understandable contact with the other side.... continued
Tantric Mysteries
March 8, 2012Tantrism is very little understood in the west, or, for that matter, in the east. But what is it, and how does it relate to the evolution of the human heart and the human soul? In this discussion, Peter Levenda... continued
Strange Sounds Continue, but WHAT ARE THEY?
March 1, 2012People continue to record unexplained sounds worldwide. Linda Moulton Howe asks an expert for the real story and discovers that the answers so far put forward on the internet are essentially all incorrect. But what does a real expert have... continued
Why all the End of the World Fears? Could it be that Something GOOD is Coming?
February 23, 2012Barbara Hand Clow returns to Dreamland with an explosive new idea--that the end of the world isn't at hand at all, that we are actually entering a new period of creative growth as the human mind accelerates to a new... continued