The Extraordinary Encounters of Lee Speigel

June 3, 2011
Lee Speigel's involvement with UFOs began with a personal encounter that is also among the most extensively witnessed UFO cases in history. From there it led to his organizing the UN's only UFO conference, and now to his interviews with Annie... continued

Jeremy Vaeni’s URGENCY

May 26, 2011
Are you a portal into another reality? COULD you be? Jeremy Vaeni, the co-host of Paratopia, goes deep into questions like this in his new book Urgency. He has experienced a devastingly powerful movement into a completely new space that... continued

The Censorship of the Key

May 18, 2011
Jim Marrs, who is no stranger to having his books censored, interviews Whitley Strieber about the censorship of the Key. Find out exactly what the censor was trying to do by eliminating and changing the parts that he did, and... continued

The Astonishing Early Contactees

May 12, 2011
The early contactees with their tales of meeting beautiful blonds from Venus are almost universally dismissed. But should they be? Nick Redfern, in his new book Contactees: a History of Alien-Human Interaction, uncovers some little known facts that will make you... continued

The Killing of Osama bin Laden

May 5, 2011
                             As a Senior Fellow at the Joint Special Operations University, Dr. John Alexander is uniquely knowledgeable about what would have gone into the operation to kill or capture Osama bin Laden, why it could have failed, and why it succeeded. He... continued

Secrets in the Fields

April 28, 2011
Freddy Silva has been researching crop formations for over thirty years, and has deep understanding of them. Earlier on Dreamland we had Andrew Collins, who feels that the formations are manmade, but not necessarily hoaxes, as he thinks that some of... continued

Col. John Alexander and Whitley Strieber: Every Secret Thing

April 22, 2011
Dr. John Alexander believes that UFOs are real, physical objects, but then he departs from the conventional wisdom that they must therefore be alien space craft and asks some much larger questions. Why, over the entire modern history of the... continued

Michael Glickman: Crop Circles, the Greatest Mystery

April 14, 2011
Two weeks ago, Andrew Collins told us that all crop formations are made by skilled and secretive human artists. This week, Michael Glickman says that the opposite is true: that virtually none of them are hoaxes. In this interview with... continued

NDE Breakthrough!

April 7, 2011
How can anything new be said about near-death experiences? Well, when a leading psychic medium with years of experience is the interviewer and the author has made some stunning breakthroughs, you can expect to hear things that are VERY new,... continued

Crop Circle Expert Andrew Collins

April 1, 2011
Andrew Collins and Whitley Strieber spent time together in crop circle country last summer, and we begin this year's three-part exploration of this mysterious phenomenon by talking with Andrew about the circles and their relationship to ancient structures such as... continued