The NASA Conspiracies

March 24, 2011
What does NASA actually know about UFOs? Famed researcher Nick Redfern shares his discoveries. He has researched the matter extensively, and has just published a book about it, the NASA Conspiracies.  For example, he says that there is evidence that NASA... continued

Nuclear Crisis PLUS the Secret History of the World

March 17, 2011
First, Linda Moulton Howe finds out from nucelar expert Arnold Gunderson exactly what the Japanese nuclear crisis is all about AND what is most likely to happen in coming weeks. Then, on Sunday night, Whitley Strieber and Mark Booth spent an... continued

The Secrets of Synchronicity

March 12, 2011
Trish MacGregor knows the secrets of synchronicity and what they mean. A synchronicity is a coming together of inner and outer events in a way that is meaningful to the observer but can't be explained by cause and effect. Synchronicities... continued

Project Talent: Mind Control Assault on Children

March 3, 2011
This week we learn from Duncan O'Finioan about horrific mind control experiments that he was subjected to as a child. He believes that he was put under terrible pressure that was intended to split his personality. He remembered very little... continued

The Mysterious Power of “Threes”

February 24, 2011
Millions of people recognize the Holy Trinity, but few understand that the concept behind it is not limited to a single religion or belief system. What if the Trinity were an ancient code, a formula, a secret so simple yet... continued

Electronic Pollution: How to Save Yourself

February 18, 2011
Why don't we know more about electrical pollution, and should we care? That's things like the electromagnetic fields around cellphones, hair dryers, certain types of light fixtures, and many other ordinary electrical and electronic devices in the home. In this... continued

Abduction and Psychology: A Professional Speaks Out

February 10, 2011
Dr. Janet Elizabeth Colli is a licensed psychotherapist who is open to treating close encounter witnesses. She is trained in and experienced with transpersonal psychology, the branch of psychology that deals with altered states and non-ordinary states. She is also... continued

John Hogue 2011 Predictions

January 29, 2011
This week we hear from John Hogue, who goes beyond the predictions he has made so far this year, and offers us some real shockers for 2011. But is he accurate? We'll begin by discussing his 2010 predictions, what went right... continued

The Rendlesham Code

January 28, 2011
Linda Moulton Howe reports on her visit to Woodbridge and Rendlesham Forest with former USAF Airman 1st Class John Burroughs and former USAF Staff Sergeant James Penniston, who were back together in the forest for the first time in thirty... continued

Starfire Tor’s 2011 Predictions

January 21, 2011
Most of Starfire Tor's 2010 predictions came true, including detailed ones such as the one about a head of state dying in a plane crash. (Polish President Lech Kaczynsk in August). On Dreamland this week. she offers her predictions for... continued