Remote Viewing Unbound

December 16, 2010
As the first person to be recruited into the US Army's remote viewing program, Joe McMoneagle is designated as Psychic Spy 001. He is also one of the most successful remote viewers in history, with a long record of success... continued

Is Reality a Dream

December 7, 2010
Is life a dream? Where are we, really? When we sleep at night, our dreams seem so real, so are they just random, or is this life we are living really the dream? Listen as Sonia Barrett tackles these timeless... continued

The LA Contrail: Jim Marrs Says It WAS a Missile

December 2, 2010
Jim Marrs has been interviewing experts about the contrail that rose from the sea 35 miles off the coast of Los Angeles on November 8, and he is convinced that it was a missile. He has even learned the probable... continued

Deborah Pratt’s Vision Quest

November 24, 2010
Deborah Pratt was co-producer and head writer of Quantum Leap, as well as acting in the show. Now she has created a truly remarkable experience of learning and being called Vision Quest. It is set in the near future, but... continued

Unprecedented Wave of Animal Mutilations

November 17, 2010
Linda Moulton Howe reports on a massive worldwide wave of animal mutilations in October, including housecat mutilations across the United States and large-animal mutilations from six countries. As UFO sightings swept the world in October, behind the scenes, animal mutilations took... continued

The Gateway Experience as It REALLY Is!

November 11, 2010
Marla Frees is back from her Gateway experience at the Monroe Institute, and she has some powerful adventures to tell us about. Whitley Strieber has also done a Gateway, and they share their descriptions of this powerful program and the... continued

A Scientist Shows Why Psychic Phenomena are Real

November 6, 2010
Where does science really stand when it comes to paranormal states? Dean Radin is among the world's leading experts on science and the paranormal, and in this incredible interview he explains just why psychic states DO have a scientific basis,... continued

Halloween Special

October 30, 2010
Every year since the beginning of Dreamland, we've presented a Halloween Special called Screamland. This year is no exception, this is a very serious show, and a very scary one. Whitley Strieber spends 45 minutes telling some stories from his... continued

The UFO/Nukes Press Conference

October 23, 2010
Linda Moulton Howe interviews Robert Salas, who hosted the Disclosure Conference at the National Press Club on September 27 at which it was revealed that UFOs had on numerous occasions interrupted the functioning of US nuclear missile systems. During the... continued

Graham Hancock, Secrets of the Neanderthals

October 16, 2010
Graham Hancock is one of the great adventurers, authors and visionaries of our time, and here he talks about his new book Entangled, about life as it was lived 24,000 years ago. Amazingly, this deeply channeled book paints a picture... continued