Love, ESP, the CIA and the Meaning of Life

May 15, 2010
Anne Strieber has a phenomenal discussion with one of the originators of remote viewing, Russell Targ. You will meet this amazing and important human being in a whole new way, in intimate conversation with somebody who knows just what questions... continued

The Matrix is Real and You can Escape

May 8, 2010
Tom Campbell was instrumental in the creation of the US missile defense system, and worked with Robert Monroe on processes of entering altered states without the use of drugs. Tom is a pragmatic scientist who has broken through into an... continued

The First Responders

May 1, 2010
First, there was another implant surgery on April 24, and Whitley Strieber has an exclusive interview with Dr. Roger Leir. Then, we've read and seen and heard thousands of hours of testimony about 9/11, but one group we have NOT... continued

Matrix Energetics

April 24, 2010
Marla Frees interviews the developer of Matrix Energetics, Richard Bartlett.Matrix Energetics has transformed Marla's life, so she talks to him from the context of somebody who has personal knowledge of what he does. PLUS a mind-bending new report from Linda... continued

Implant Proof

April 17, 2010
Whitley Strieber knows that implants are real because one was placed in his body that doctors have been unable to remove, but have been able to determine is not natural. But that's a step away from what this Dreamland is... continued

Starchild Skull-It is not Fully Human

April 10, 2010
We start with an earthquake special. Did last week's quake increase the danger or not? Then Lloyd Pye has proof that the "Starchild Skull" he has been working on for ten years is a mix of human and nonhuman DNA.... continued

The Large Hadron Collider and God

April 3, 2010
William Henry has made some completely incredible discoveries about the relationship between the search for the 'God particle' now being undertaken at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland and the potential for mankind reaching a whole new level of consciousness.... continued

Sisterhood of the Rose

March 27, 2010
The great Jim Marrs has a phenomenal new book out called the Sisterhood of the Rose. It's fiction based on fact, and it delves into secrets that Jim cannot prove but that he believes to be true. A secret sisterhood... continued


March 20, 2010
Starfire Tor has become one of Dreamland's most popular guests for just one reason: what she claims abut timeslips actually happens, can be seen and can be proved. Whitley and Anne Strieber had just such an experience in Starfire's presence,... continued

Earthquakes and HAARP

March 13, 2010
Dr. Nick Begich is one of the world's leading experts on the mysterious and powerful HAARP project. As this is being written on March 10, HAARP has just been activated for unknown reasons. Dr. Begich tells Dreamland what it's all... continued