A Scientist’s CE3

October 17, 2009
One of the world's leading members of the scientific community tells of his close encounters and the involvement of the visitors in his work. Due to the profound confusion that exists in the culture of science about the close encounter... continued

Shadow People

October 10, 2009
Shadow People. Many of us have glimpsed them, but are they real or a trick of the eye--or both? Jason Offutt has made a study of them and he's made some discoveries that he's talked about on various radio programs,... continued

Is the Sun Conscious?

October 3, 2009
Is the sun a living, conscious being? How can such a thing possibly be true? BUT listen as Gregory Sams tells about the sun in a whole new way. The great 20th Century mystic G.I. Gurdjieff spoke about "the intelligence... continued

Is William Henry the Real Robert Langdon?

September 26, 2009
Is William Henry the real Robert Langdon? Both Dan Brown's new book, "The Lost Symbol" and William Henry's "Freedom's Gate" feature the idea that the US Capitol has a hidden function as a stargate. So, where did the idea come... continued

Why Such a Huge Crop Circle Season?

September 19, 2009
What do crop formations mean? Do they have something to do with 2012, or human transformation, or are they a secret message of some kind? Explore the answers to these questions with famed researchers Steve and Karen Alexander. We are... continued

Earth’s Shifting Crust

September 12, 2009
Rose and Rand Flem-Ath were the first authors to bring develop the idea that earth's surface area may at times shift on its mantle, causing radical changes in the geography of the planet that result in the almost total destruction... continued

Starfire Tor and Time Magic

September 5, 2009
A message from Whitley Strieber: "Starfire Tor is one of the most extraordinary people I know. Anne and I have witnessed numerous documented shifts through space and time as a result of being with her and knowing her." This interview... continued

Lucid Dreaming

August 29, 2009
What is a lucid dream, and what use are they? Popular Dreamland guest and PSIence author Marie D. Jones, hosting Dreamland for the first time, explores these questions with lucid dreaming expert Robert Waggoner, president of the International Association for... continued

Stunning Crop Circle Season

August 22, 2009
This is one of the most important and valuable Dreamlands ever to be produced on the crop circle phenomenon. 2009 is the most intense crop circle season in history, and Andrew Collins is out with an astonishing new book that... continued

Beneath the Sphinx

August 15, 2009
Robert Temple has become one of the leading scholars on the Sphinx, and here he tells us about his discoveries about its origins and the rooms buried beneath it. He also outlines his research into the Dogon tribe's belief that... continued