Apocalypse 2012

August 1, 2009
Robert Gleason is the author of "Gary Jennings' Apocalypse 2012," and has vast knowledge of the Mayan Calendar, the Book of Revelation and 2012. Bob was Gary Jennings' editor for many years, and has continued his tradition of ultra high... continued

John Hogue’s Feet to the Fire

July 25, 2009
It's that time of year again, and we're holding Dreamland's resident prophet John Hogue's feet to the fire! Last January, he came on the show and prophesied for us. So, how did he do? Let's find out. We'll replay some... continued

Crop Formation Surprises

July 18, 2009
This year has been an unusual one in the history of the crop formation phenomenon. The reason for this may be that, as our minds open more and more to the creators of the formations, they are becoming more focused... continued

Dr. Leo Sprinkle

July 11, 2009
Dr. Leo Sprinkle began his UFO research in 1961, and has been at the forefront of abduction and close encounter research ever since. Unlike most researchers, he does not edit his findings to fit his theories, but edits his theories... continued

Healing with Echo Bodine

July 4, 2009
Marla Frees has an intimate conversation with ever-popular Dreamland guest Echo Bodine. They explore Echo's healing work, and there is a powerful and illuminating discussion of cancer and the role it plays in our lives that will give you a... continued

Crop Circles, the Bones of God

June 27, 2009
Michael Glickman has been researching crop circles since 1990, bringing his architectural background to what has become one of the most profound studies of these formations ever undertaken. His new book, Crop Circles: the Bones of God, is an unforgettable... continued

A Scientist on Implants

June 20, 2009
Dr. Robert Koontz is an experimental nuclear physicist who taught analog and digital electronics at the National Security Agency prior to getting his PhD, and and is now researching in areas such as zero point energy. He was on CoasttoCoast... continued

Initiating Contact

June 13, 2009
Ed and Kris Sherwood have been on a journey of discovery involving extraterrestrial contact, crop circles and inner work for many years, and here they describe for us the methods they use to initiate contact. They have filmed some of... continued

The Science of Miracles

June 6, 2009
Marla Frees interviews a neurologist who has had some powerful experiences with miracles. He is a longtime friend of Dreamland regular Robert Bruce, whose many appearances on Dreamland and astral projection workshops have become legendary among our listeners. He uses... continued

Apocalypse 2012

May 30, 2009
Will there be an apocalypse in 2012, or is this going to be another Y2K? Lawrence Joseph is a scientist who has written for such publications as the New York Times and Salon and, well, he's worried. There are just... continued