Home » Dreamland
UFOs, Are They Real–The Final Word
March 21, 2009J. Allan Danelek and Whitley Strieber take an objective look at extraterrestrials, government coverup and the prospect of first contact??and Danelek?s carefully skeptical and objective approach leads to some provocative conclusions. Under Whitley?s questioning, some facts that Danelek has discovered... continued
The Hidden Web of Life
March 14, 2009An unseen web of life exists, and understanding it is an extraordinary source of personal power. We do have destinies, and clues to them can be found in the coincidences and synchronicities that fill our lives. In this mind-opening interview,... continued
Above Top Secret
March 7, 2009Was God an alien? Listen as Sinister Forces author Peter Levenda interviews Dreamland?s own Jim Marrs about his new book, Above Top Secret. This wide ranging discussion of all the secrets that surround us range from what really happened to... continued
Secret Societies from the INSIDE
February 28, 2009James Wasserman takes us on a controversial journey into a lost city, Masonic Washington, and he does so with a powerful warning that Washington, D.C. is now a ??nest of vipers,?? and that power has been taken out of the... continued
Echo Bodine’s Dark Journey to the Light
February 21, 2009Whitley Strieber interviews psychic and healer Echo Bodine about her long and troubled struggle with alcoholism, drug addiction, financial troubles and an unwillingness to accept her powers--and her triumph over all the adversity in her life to become what he... continued
Valentine Special: Love and Well-Being
February 14, 2009Our resident psychic medium Marla Frees is an expert on the relationship between psychic energy and physical well-being, and here she interviews on of the great masters of just how energetic principles relate to our overall health and spiritual growth,... continued
William Henry and the Egyptian Tragedy
February 7, 2009William Henry, Jim Marrs and thirty-two other people went on a tour of Egypt's monuments last week, and on Wednesday, one of the tour participants, a young woman, died in her sleep. This sparked a flood of internet rumors, including... continued
John Hogue’s 2009 Prophecy Special
January 31, 2009Fresh from his two History Channel shows, our resident prophet John Hogue takes a look at what's going to happen in 2009. First, Whitley asks if there are any Nostradamus quatrains that relate to this year--and he finds out that... continued
Leading Futurist STUNS Whitley Strieber
January 24, 2009We continue our look forward to 2009 by asking one of the world's leading futurists what the new year will bring--and just wait until you hear what he has to say not only about this year, but about what's coming... continued
Dancing in Joy with Dannion Brinkley
January 17, 2009Our inauguration weekend offering explores the amazing secrets of the US Capitol. Find out what it really means when Barack Obama walks up the 33 steps to the doors of the capitol. Explore the hidden meaning of the Apotheosis of... continued