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Astrological Predictions for 2009
January 10, 2009We're back with an exciting January series on what 2009 will bring. We start with Mahala Gayle of the Asclepius Light Center in Seattle who specializes in astrology about world events and earth changes. She has published her Planet Alert... continued
Dancing in Joy with Dannion Brinkley
December 27, 2008For our Christmas seasonal offering, Whitley Strieber and Dannion Brinkley get together to talk about heavy souls, light souls, resurrection and the importance of finding joy in our lives. They have been friends for a long time now, and you... continued
Orbs: What are They?
December 20, 2008Many Dreamlanders photograph orbs. At the Dreamland Festival, there were dozens of photographs of orbs taken, especially around Anne Strieber. But what are they? Some of us think of them as the spirits of the dead. Others believe that they?re... continued
Ultimate Remote Viewing
December 13, 2008Lynn Buchanan is one of the world's great remote viewers, and he tells our resident psychic expert Marla Frees a story of seeing a beam of light that moved through time that you will never forget, that he considers the... continued
He Held the Roswell Debris in His Hands
December 6, 2008Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr. is one of the few people in the public eye who has ever handled alien material with his own hands. He saw and held in his hands the material his father, Col. Jesse Marcel, brought back... continued
Egypt Lasted 3,000 Years. What about US?
November 29, 2008Robert Bauval knows the deepest, most hidden and most important secrets of ancient Egypt, and in this startling, breakthrough interview, William Henry finds out just why ancient Egyptian civilization lasted three thousand years, AND why the past two thousand years... continued
Paranormal Revolution
November 22, 2008Some of us believe in it. Some of us do not. And now Dr. Robert Schoch asks the question, is there ANY scientific evidence that it is real? He has undertaken a very large scale study of the paranormal, and... continued
Morphing into a Light Body
November 15, 2008Whitley Strieber says, I've been waiting ever since the day I opened his first book for William Henry to reach this point in his development. What he has done with his new presentation Morph is to demonstrate just what the... continued
UFOs and ICBMs
November 8, 2008Robert Salas tells one of the most powerful and incredible UFO stories ever heard, and he can prove every word of it. Back during the cold war, you could not do anything more calculated to frighten the United States Government... continued
November 1, 2008Bert Janssen is one of the most remarkable of crop circle researchers because he is both a mathematical expert and a meditator, scientist and shaman both. By using both sides of his brain, he has made true breakthroughs in understanding,... continued