The Rise of the 4th Reich

October 25, 2008
The Rise of the Fourth Reich is the latest book by Dreamland's conspiracy expert, Jim Marrs. But when the expert writes a book, who does the interview? Our solution could not be more obvious: Sinister Forces author Peter Levenda! Listen... continued

Economic Info You Need Now

October 18, 2008
Every January, Dreamland?­s resident prophet John Hogue comes on the show and prophesies for the new year, and every July??usually??we have him back on and hold his feet to the fire. This year we waited, because so many of his... continued

In Constant UFO Contact

October 11, 2008
In July, William Henry visited the famed ranch of James Gilliland, and now he interviews James about what happens there. James tells about how it all started with a near death experience, and then seeing ships, and then with an... continued

Soul Connections with Animals

October 4, 2008
Dreamland's resident psychic medium Marla Frees has had some truly mind-bending encounters with animal spirits, including some that belong to her own beloved pets. So she's the perfect interviewer for Dawn Baumann Brunke, the author of Shapeshifting with Our Animal... continued

1952 UFO Battle

September 27, 2008
This is one very special Dreamland, among those completely unforgettable shows that have come along with surprising regularity since Whitley Strieber has been hosting Dreamland. He interviews Frank Feschino, author of ??Shoot them Down: the Flying Saucer Air Wars of... continued

The MJ 12 Papers, Explosive New Information

September 20, 2008
Linda Moulton Howe interview Robert Wood, who, with his son Ryan, has spent many years studying leaked government documents relating to the UFO phenomenon and alien contact. Over the course of this interview, there is discussion of John F. Kennedy?­s... continued

Near Death Experiences–What Happens When You Come Back?

September 13, 2008
Dreamland favorite PMH Atwater joins our resident psychic medium Marla Frees for an enriching and informative discussion of what happens in the months and years AFTER a person returns from a near death experience. Then Linda Howe interviews a drone... continued

Alex Jones

September 6, 2008
This week, Jim Marrs interviews controversial talk show host Alex Jones of The primary theme is our loss of freedom due to the invasion of privacy, but the conversations ranges from 911 across a broad spectrum of questions, from... continued

The Hermetic Code in DNA

August 30, 2008
This week, William Henry interviews Michael Hayes about the relationship between numerical patterns embedded in ancient philosophies, and their startling relationship to the DNA code. Either the ancients knew far more about the secrets of the human body than we... continued

A Pilot Looks at 911

August 23, 2008
This week Whitley Strieber asks long time airline pilot Phillip Marshall about why it was that scantily trained terrorists could have executed the highly skilled flight maneuvers that were needed to bring of the 911 attacks--and you'd better be sitting... continued