Home » Dreamland
John Hogue’s 2008 Prophecies
January 19, 2008DREAMLAND SPECIAL: We begin with Linda Howe's exclusive interview with the only witness to the Stephensville UFO who saw it in daylight. Then John Hogue joins us for his spectacular 2008 prophecy show. His website is www.hogueprophecy.com. NOTE: This show... continued
Monster Hunter Nick Redfern
January 12, 2008Nick Redfern has spent the last five years in search of cryptid creatures the world over. If you have ever watched Monster Quest on the History Channel, you will be enthralled by Nick's up close and personal stories of these... continued
Is Healing Real?
January 5, 2008Dr. Gary Schwartz is back on Dreamland with some remarkable new research on healing, and Anne Strieber asks him the question: is it real? Then we reprise one of Linda Howe's classic interviews with a drone eyewitness. Linda will return... continued
European UFOs
December 22, 2007Italian UFO Investigator Paola Harris is Dreamland's source for European UFO information, and she comes to us this week with a wide-ranging report from Europe. She has a long history in the UFO field, beginning as assistant to J. Allen... continued
Past Life Regression
December 15, 2007Whitley Strieber introduces new Dreamland guest host, psychic Marla Frees, who interviews past life regression expert Dick Sutphen about his work as a hypnotist. Then Dreamland listeners get to hear the first ten minutes of his TOTALLY INCREDIBLE regression of... continued
The Crop Circles Speak
December 8, 2007Over the past year, there has been a sea-change in crop circles, in that they have taken on a three-dimensional aspect that has enabled a much deeper use of the forms in meditation. People willing to try to communicate with... continued
Shirley MacLaine
December 1, 2007Whitley Strieber interviews Shirley MacLaine--for the first time ever! Two of the greatest and most controversial figures of our time join together in an all-time unforgettable Dreamland! This beautiful, fascinating and informative interview covers everything from UFOs and aliens to... continued
The Shroud of Turin
November 24, 2007The Shroud of Turin as you have never heard it discussed before. That's because William Henry and sindinologist James Barrett take a completely new look at the shroud, based on their deep knowledge of early Christianity and what only researchers... continued
Are We Imprisoned on Earth?
November 17, 2007An astonishing interview with David Sereda, director of "From Here to Andromeda." Contains new information about Roswell that will literally stagger you. For example, did you know that kids all over the country suddenly started building and flying small aluminum... continued
Dr. Wayne Dyer and the Tao
November 10, 2007Dr. Wayne Dyer is a frequent Dreamland guest, and his discussion of the Tao with Whitley Strieber this weekend is moving, stirring of the heart and profoundly informative. It is about changing your thoughts, and with them your life, and... continued