Are ‘Aliens’ Timeless Beings? Are We?

August 4, 2023
Are the beings we call "Visitors" and "aliens" more like conjoined twins sharing our own invisible dimensions? What does it take to know them as equals? And is our own universe constantly trying to stop us? These questions may sound crazy... continued

The Congressional UAP Hearing Analyzed Statement by Statement

July 28, 2023
We have broken down 19 specific statements of information made by the three witnesses in answer to committee questions during the historic hearing on UAPs held by the US Congress on Wednesday, July 26 and Whitley has analyzed each one... continued

One of the All-Time Great Paranormal Adventures

July 21, 2023
Almost 5 years ago, famed paranormal researcher Graham Phillips and historian and psychic Jodi Russell set out to penetrate the mystery of the lost Order of Meonia and its great treasure, the Heart of the Rose. There followed one of... continued

How to Escape the Matrix–and Yes, It is Possible

July 14, 2023
Riz Virk, author of the shocking Simulated Multiverse (Dreamland 12/3/2021) returns to Dreamland with a surprising show about escaping the matrix--not using some sort of technology, but by engaging with our deepest inner powers using spiritual means that seem like... continued

Haunted by a Close Encounter. Where to Turn?

July 7, 2023
We live in a world that bears a hidden scar: people who have experienced close encounters but dare not tell a soul. Like so many people who were drawn into the orbit of UFOs and alien visitation, Les Velez, the... continued

What if Aliens Don’t Exist–Then What is Happening??

June 30, 2023
In this raw, audacious, and eye-opening solo episode, Jeremy Vaeni tells why "alien abduction" is a hollow term that is, in fact, us telling on ourselves as a society, and why aliens do not exist at all anywhere in the... continued

Attacked by “Pure Evil” for Hours: One of the “Them” Witnesses Speaks Out

June 23, 2023
30 years ago "Drew" read Communion and sat down to write Whitley Strieber a letter. In it, he described an hours-long ordeal with "pure evil" that tried to remove him from his body for unknown reasons.  The letter is shocking... continued

The Real Mystery of the Mothman and the Silver Bridge Disaster

June 16, 2023
One of the greatest paranormal events of all time preceded the tragic collapse of the Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant, West Virginia that took 43 lives and changed that community forever. But was the Mothman event, with is accompanying mass... continued

Dreamland this Week: Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal on the Government’s Crashed UFOs, then Whitley on What This Mean to the Abductees

June 9, 2023
On June 5, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal published one of the most extraordinary stories in history in the Debrief. It was about the claims of a whistleblower, David Grush, that the US government is in possession of crashed disks... continued

The Intergenerational Abduction Program

June 2, 2023
Steve Aspin is a successful businessman with a very strange family history. His grandmother, in particular, believed that there was a family connection to the fairy-folk of northern England where they lived. As Steve grew up, he had some strange... continued