Andrew Collins

August 18, 2007
In the year 2000, Andrew Collins published Gateway to Atlantis, proposing that the impact of a comet over North America resulted in the end of the ice age 10,900 years ago, releasing cosmic rays that destroyed Atlantis, an island empire in the Atlantic,... continued

Bloodline–the Movie

August 11, 2007
William Henry interviews Bruce Burgess and Renee Barnett about their new film, the Bloodline. This is a striking visual exploration of the mysteries of the Priory of Sion and, above all, the questions that surround what the church that Jesus... continued

The Ark, the Shroud and Mary

August 4, 2007
This week, Philip Gardiner, one of Dreamland's most popular guests, tells William Henry the harrowing story of his struggle to gain information from an active and aggressive secret society about a startling connection between the Ark, the Shroud of Turin... continued

Secrets of the Holy Lance

July 21, 2007
Jim Marrs is in his wheelhouse this week interviewing Jerry E. Smith about his FABULOUS book Secrets of the Holy Lance! We journey with Jim and Jerry into the hidden world of occult beliefs about the lance that supposedly pierced... continued

William Henry Pilgrimage to Rennes la Chateau

July 14, 2007
William Henry has returned from his trip to Rennes la Chateau and other sacred sites in Europe with some major breakthroughs in his quest to recreate the sacred science that was lost with the murder of the Knights Templars by... continued

The Abductee-Past Life Connection

July 7, 2007
Joe Lewels has not been on Dreamland in eight years, but in that time he has made an unforgettable journey into our past in search of the connection between humans and aliens, and this week he tells us of surprising... continued

Jim Marrs talks with Jim Nichols

June 30, 2007
First, Linda Howe interviews a technical expert who saw a drone last Monday! Then Jim Marrs talks to Jim Nichols who is a UFO artist, but with a huge difference. His detailed investigations have enabled him to create UFO and... continued

Debunking the 911 Debunkers

June 23, 2007
In May of 2006, a Zogby poll indicated that an astonishing 42% of the American people did not believe the official 911 story. The next August, a blizzard of official and semi-official responses appeared debunking claims that 911 was an... continued

Weather Wars

June 16, 2007
First, Linda Howe interviews the first drone witness who is willing to identify himself.Then Jerry E. Smith brings us the shocking truth about weather wars, weather modification, and the way countries are secretly using weather modification without regard for the... continued

The Lost Secrets of Jesus

June 9, 2007
This week co-host William Henry is the guest and Whitley Strieber is the host, as we explore William's new discoveries about Jesus. For years, he has been wondering just why so many of the earliest portrayals of Jesus show him... continued