Colin Wilson on the Neanderthals

January 6, 2007
Think the Neanderthals were a bunch of ignorant cave men? Think again, says renowned author of over a hundred books from "The Outsider" in 1956 to the Atlantis Blueprint with Rand Flem-Ath that established a new basis for research into... continued

Laurence Gardner on White Powder Gold

December 30, 2006
This week, we reprise one of Dreamland's all-time classics--Laurence Gardner on White Powder Gold. Listen as he tells the story of this legendary substance, how it may have been made, and where, and what it might have done to the... continued

The God Code

December 23, 2006
This week's Dreamland is a unique look into one of nature's greatest and most inspiring secrets. If you doubted either the existence of God or the wisdom of the ancients, this interview with Gregg Braden is going to renew your... continued

Ultimate Templar Secrets

December 16, 2006
This week William Henry interviews William Mann, who hasn't just written about the history of the Knights Templar in the New World. He has a very special qualification: he is a descendant of the Supreme Grand Master of the Knights... continued

Science of the Dogon

December 9, 2006
Laird Scranton explores the hidden knowledge of one of the world?­s most mysterious people, the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa. He has discovered that not only are many Dogon words strikingly similar to ancient Egyptian words, their rituals... continued

Starwalkers and the Dimension of the Blessed

December 2, 2006
Guest host William Henry becomes Whitley Strieber's guest this week to talk about his latest book and DVD, Starwalkers and the Dimension of the Blessed. In it, William asserts that we are rapidly moving into a period in which fantastic... continued

Breaking Open the Head

November 25, 2006
Journalist Daniel Pinchbeck takes us on a journey in search of the soul, other realities, and some kind of value for our lives that goes beyond the dreadful sameness and emptiness of our material world.Listen as he describes his experience... continued

Echo Bodine

November 18, 2006
Anne Strieber is back, interviewing healer Echo Bodine. Echo first discovered at age 17 that she was apparently born with psychic ability and healing powers. Anne Strieber, who was greatly changed by her own brush with death, explores what Echo... continued

John Anthony West: Stunning Egypt Discoveries

November 11, 2006
This week on Dreamland, William Henry and John Anthony West explore Egypt in a whole new way, and we get to listen in to their discussion about just what they knew, what we have lost, and some very surprising efforts... continued

Daniel Pinchbeck on 2012

November 4, 2006
Daniel Pinchbeck caused a sensation on Dreamland with his book "Breaking Open the Head" about his adventures with exotic psychedelics, and his conviction that they open the mind to real alternate universes. Now he's back with a stunner about a... continued