Home » Dreamland
Alien Rain and Time Slips
August 19, 2006This week, we start with Linda Howe's stunning interview of a scientist in England who is studying the mysterious living cells from the Kerala red rain that fell five years ago--AND AGAIN THIS JULY. Then Starfire Tor and Brandon Scott... continued
Linda Howe Terror Flight
August 12, 2006Linda Howe describes what it was like to be on one of the United flights that terrorists had targeted to blow up. As she arrived at Heathrow to board her flight, this weeks British Red Terror Alert unfolded around her.... continued
Secrets of America’s Birth
August 12, 2006Dr. Bob Hieronimus is known to many of you for his long-time show 21st Century Radio. He is also a leading scholar of early American history. In this startling interview, Whitley Strieber explores the occult forces that were involved in... continued
Nazi Round Table
August 5, 2006Sinister Forces 3 has arrived and we kick off our examination of this monumental book with a three-way interview between Whitley Strieber, Peter Levenda and Jim Marrs about the recent collapse of Chile's Nazi enclave, Colonia Dignidad, and the arrest... continued
The Dybbuk Box
July 29, 2006Remember the Dybbuk Box? Famed director Sam Raimi (the Spiderman movies, the Hudsucker Proxy) is developing a film based on the story of the Dybbuk Box, we?re revisiting the whole disturbing and fascinating story. So listen as the original and... continued
Fred Alan Wolf
July 22, 2006A marvelous interview with Fred Alan Wolf, the star of "What the Bleep do We Know" about--guess what--time travel! The first question he asks Fred comes from Fred's book 'Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas' where he says that... continued
Teacher in the Ancient Egyptian Tradition
July 15, 2006William Henry and Stephen Mehler interview Egyptian Ab Del Hakim Awyan, whose family has retained priestly knowledge from the time of ancient Egypt. Then Linda Howe finds out about a series of extremely strange satellite photographs from document expert Ryan... continued
The Jesus Papers
July 8, 2006Fresh from his epic legal battle with Dan Brown, author Michael Baigent (Holy Blood, Holy Grail) tells the story of the Jesus Papers, the outcome of years of research into the many secret archives that he gained access to as... continued
Robert Temple’s Sirius Mystery
July 1, 2006Robert Temple is the legendary author of the Sirius Mystery, which revealed the advanced scientific knowledge of Sirius possessed by the Dogon tribe of Africa, and was one of the first indications that a great lost civilization must have existed... continued
Grail Code
June 24, 2006Maurice Cotterell reveals the truth about the Holy Grail in a way that it has never been revealed before. He has discovered that the SAME CODE that explains the mysteries of the Maya can be used with Celtic artifacts to... continued