Alien Life in Red Rain

June 17, 2006
First, Linda Howe reports on what may be the first-ever discovery of an alien life form. It appeared in India in the form of red rain. Listen as one of the scientists studying it reports his provocative findings. Then Ed... continued

PMH Atwater and the Indigo Children

June 10, 2006
Legendary author PMH Atwater tells how evolution is actually speeding up as the human species strives to create more and more intelligent children, who will be able to understand our situation on earth, and save the race. Then Linda Howe... continued

Jim Marrs and Dr. Begich

June 3, 2006
Jim Marrs interviews Dr. Nick Begich on the very latest information about the HAARP project, which is now fully operational. What is HAARP doing to our world, and what is it capable of? Is it being used to control the... continued

William Henry on Milky Way Energy

May 27, 2006
"An elevation of consciousness is unfolding right before our eyes, highlighted by a flurry of new discoveries about the Milky Way galaxy," says William Henry as this week's Dreamland opens. These discoveries can aid our search for higher consciousness, and... continued

William Henry Clues In Mica

May 20, 2006
Whitley Strieber continues with the interview with William Henry that might finally reveal the secrets of both Egypt and pre-Columbian Mexico. William found mica at Abu Garab in Egypt that is similar to what is found at TeotihuacÂ?n in Mexico.... continued

William Henry Egyptian Special 2006

May 13, 2006
William Henry and the National Geographic Channel have been exploring Egypt together, and William has returned with new discoveries. As part of a special about Atlantis, NGC joined William in Egypt, on the theory that, if there is anything in... continued

Time Travel with Starfire Tor and Brandon Scott

May 6, 2006
Starfire Tor is among the world's most unusual people, because she could be a time traveler, or connected in some way that not even she understands to the future. Listen as she and her longtime friend and co-researcher Brandon Scott... continued

Whitley Strieber and Linda Howe – Communication with The Visitors

April 30, 2006
Whitley Strieber calls this discussion with Linda Howe about alien communications "the most important thing I have ever done." It is the beginning of a new effort to share his knowledge of communication with the visitors, that also involves the... continued

Wayne Hershchel’s Egyptian Star Map

April 29, 2006
Researcher Wayne Hershchel has discovered that all 50 pyramids of lower Egypt comprise a star map, and that this map points to a nearby sun-like star that could be the origin of the gods of legend, or even mankind. Then... continued

Whitley Strieber and Wayne Dyer

April 22, 2006
All we can say about this program is this: it is a completely amazing, wonderful conversation between two remarkable men, Whitley Strieber and Wayne Dyer. They have known each other, and respected one another's work, for years, and it shows... continued