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Ross Hamilton and the Great Serpent Mound
November 26, 2005Ross Hamilton has made some truly incredible discoveries about the Great Serpent Mount in Ohio. This ancient Native America earthwork has got a real mystery to reveal. How does the constellation Draco figure into the story, and who, truly, does... continued
William Henry’s The Illuminator: Part I
November 19, 2005William Henry has just published a major new book, "the Illuminator," and Whitley Strieber thinks that the information it contains is so important that it will be covered in two editions of Dreamland, both presented without commercial interruption. Then Linda... continued
Alan Botkin: IADC
November 12, 2005Alan Botkin has discovered a miraculous therapy for grief and loss, and he explains it all to us today. A clinical psychologist, Botkin discovered the therapy while helping war veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. Learn about IADC and see... continued
William Henry and Stephen Mehler
November 5, 2005William Henry interviews Stephen Mehler, author of the Land of Osiris, about his astonishing new book, From Light into Darkness. Then Linda tells us the latest about bird flu, and interviews an English witness about one of the most convincing... continued
Margret Starbird: Mary Magdalene, Bride of Christ
October 29, 2005Margaret Starbird was called to become an advocate for Mary Magdalene. Dan Brown has acknowledged the importance of her book, the Woman with the Alabaster Jar in inspiring the Da Vinci Code. Now Margarate is back with a new and... continued
Iranian Air Force UFO shootdown
October 22, 2005For the first time, General Parviz Jafari, one of the Iranian Air Force pilots who actually flew the chase mission, describes one of the most credible of all UFO encounters, the famed Tehran Dogfight. He give us his firsthand account... continued
Lost Templar Treasures
October 15, 2005Legends of the Fisher King in Europe, Peru and China, the Grail Castle and Shamballa as the secret heart of the world, the real location of five chests of Templar treasure--containing not only gold but, more importantly, knowledge--Mark Amaru Pinkham... continued
Graham Phillips: Virgin Mary Conspiracy
October 8, 2005Graham Phillips is back from another adventure, and he's going to share with us his discoveries about the Virgin Mary, and the conspiracy that has been in place for years to keep the truth about her from the public. Then... continued
Bill Chalker: Alien DNA
October 1, 2005For years, alien DNA has been the holy grail of the UFO world. Leading UFO researcher Bill Chalker has found it, and in this interview he takes us on what is truly a great adventure. Beginning with a bit of... continued
Charles Hall: Tall Whites
September 24, 2005Linda Howe leads off with a special report on why hurricanes have become so much more intense and are forming so much faster. Then Charles Hall describes his experiences with the "Tall Whites." Is this real or not? Decide for... continued