You may be 18?or 21?or 60?or MORE?but what’s your REAL age?Your real age is the biological age of your body, based onhow well you’ve maintained yourself. Are you really asyoung (or old) as you think you are? Take the RealAge testfrom the New Scientist website and find outwhat your age REALLY is! To take the test,click here.

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A Yale University study shows that older gamblers arehealthier than non-gamblers of the same age. They have lowerrates of alcoholism, depression and yes, even bankruptcy.

Diane Scarponi quotes epidemiologist Rani Desai as saying,”There’s this whole concept of healthy aging?that folks whocontinue to remain engaged in activity, especially in thecommunity and in social activities, stay healthier longer,so I think this is a reflection of that. It’s not thatgambling makes you healthy, it’s that gamblers are healthier.”
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Researchers have found that people get nicer as they get older. This contradicts earlier studies showing that people’s personalities don’t change after around age 30, due to genetic programming.

Scientists studied 132,000 people between the ages of 21 and 60. Each one took a personality test on a website that measured conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion. The results: conscientiousness increased throughout life and particularly during the 20’s, when people become more organized and disciplined. Agreeableness improved during the 30’s, as people become warmer, more generous and helpful.
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