A new study show that bee venom can kill the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). While we don’t recommend getting stung by bees as a preventative, this COULD be incorporated into a protective gel for women.

The secret is a toxin called melittin that’s found in the venom.

In the Huffington Post, Cavan Sieczkowski quotes researcher Joshua L. Hood as saying, "Our hope is that in places where HIV is running rampant, people could use this gel as a preventive measure to stop the initial infection."

This makes it even more imperative that we try to save the bees, and it’s not just honey bees that are in trouble. The American bumblebee seems to be disappearing too.
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A US judge recently ruled that a proposal to ban circumcision of male infants in San Francisco should not be put to a referendum later this year. Meanwhile, in Africa–where there is a plague of heterosexual AIDS–grown men are being circumcised. An international study shows that among Kenyan men, circumcision is associated with a lower prevalence of precancerous lesions of the penis caused by the sexually-transmitted human papillomavirus virus (HPV), which plays an important role in genital cancers in men AND women, including cancers of the penis and cervix.
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Scientists have recently discovered a virus that killed a third of a monkey colony in a US laboratory AND jumped from the animals to a scientist, mimicking the way that HIV jumped from monkeys to man. Could this new virus spread out into nearby communities? The scientist who caught the virus had been working with the monkeys, and although she became seriously ill with pneumonia, she was not hospitalized and recovered after about four weeks.
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When it comes to evolution, scientists tell us that we mammals started out small and only got to be human (and human-sized) after the dinosaurs died out. And diseases have their own evolution: How did HIV (and the AIDS it leads to) migrate from monkeys to men? The reason that mammals stayed small (most of them were the size of today’s rats) during the dinosaur days was because most of the dinosaurs were herbivores (vegetarians), so they ate most of the plants that existed in that time.
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