Robert Stanley has had some very powerful experiences with the dark side of contact, as has Whitley Strieber. In this interview, Whitley Strieber says of Robert Stanley, "you’ve been called, and you’ve answered." Robert Stanley says "in the Dead Sea Scrolls, they call them the sons of light and the sons of darkness." How do we embrace the light? Listen to two people who are actively engaged in this struggle talk about what it’s like and how they are finding their way through the labyrinth.
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During a recent visit to the White House, the teenaged son of Will Smith, the actor who is starring in the sequel to "Men in Black" (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), asked President Obama something we all want to know: If aliens are real.

Although his Dad forbade the question, 13-year-old Jaden asked it anyway. As they were entering the situation room together, he said, "Excuse me Mr. President?"
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Astronomers Paul Davies and Robert Wagner report seeing five UFOs on the moon in mid-April 2012 (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). They captured images of five UFOs flying over the moon, and disappearing into its dark side. They had proposed a search for alien evidence on the surface of the moon in 2011, and they think that a detailed study of thousands of photographs taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter could reveal evidence of Alien habitation there.
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When we view art, a complex series of activities go on in the brain, which help us to appreciate it. The aesthetic experience integrates sensory and emotional reactions in a manner linked with their personal relevance. BUT viewing art which we’re told is "fake" DOES NOT stimulate the same type of brain reactions.
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