On Columbus Day, we should remember that history is constantly being rewritten. For instance, the Chinese claim that America was really first discovered by one of their explorers. If it WAS Christopher Columbus who first discovered America, newly discovered documents show that he was NOT a nice guy.

Graham Keeley writes in the Independent that Christopher Columbus routinely tortured his slaves and starved the settlers in the colonies he set up on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which is now shared by two countries: the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
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Someday we’ll supposedly be able to stop worrying about Mexican immigrants illegally entering the US from the South and terrorists coming here over the Canadian border to the North, because there won’t BE any more borders. That?s when the United States will become a REALLY BIG country–if theCouncil on Foreign Relations and its supporters have theirway.
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We are constantly being reminded that China is an oppressivesociety with prisons full of political detainees and minimalhuman rights, but now it has released a report on US humanrights abuses that makes it painfully clear that our countryhas lost the moral high ground because of our own tragicinvolvement in the use of torture.

Following is the full text of the Human Rights Record of theUnited States in 2004, released by the Information office ofChina’s State Council Thursday, March 3, 2005:
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