The Temple of Dendera is among the most magnificent and beautifully preserved in Egypt, so much so that engineer Jose Barrera fell in love with it when he first visited. He then spent years creating “Dendera: Temple of Time,” one of the most magnificent photographic records of an Egyptian templeread more

Ronnie Ponitac is a legendary rocker who partnered with Tamra Lucid in the group Lucid Nation. In the first part of this show, Whitley and Ronnie talk about rock and roll, and Ronnie’s profound roll in underground rock–and Whitley talks about his early adventures in the Chelsea Hotel, Max’s Kansasread more

This ranks as an all-time great Dreamland–in fact, one of the most amazing that has ever been broadcast. It is part of Dreamland and Unknowncountry’s years-long effort to recognize and facilitate the powerful feminine energy that is unfolding as Earth moves into the House of Aquarius. Andrew Collins, in hisread more

The Nazca mummies recently received a huge amount of publicity when Jaime Maussan presented his version of the story before the Mexican Congress. The weaknesses in this story immediately became an international news sensation. The New York Times picked it up and revealed that a paper has been published discussingread more