Renowned adventurer and explorer Alex Chionetti joins us to describe his journeys deep into the legendary Tayos Caves of Ecuador. For years, explorers have challenged these caves to give up their secrets–but are there any secrets there, or is it just another blind alley in mankind’s long quest to recoverread more

Rand Flem-Ath returns to Dreamland with a truly astonishing show—he believes that he has proof that Moses was murdered in his youth and replaced by another man. There follows one of the most incredible and important stories you will ever hear. The subtitle of the book is “How an Egyptianread more

This week we explore the new findings about the Nazca Mummies with William Galison. The mummies have been called every sort of hoax you can imagine, but new data tells a very different story. Listen as William, who has been involved with the project from the beginning, tells the story of the latest press conference, AND the extraordinary story BEHIND it.
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There have been few controversies in recent memory as intense as that surrounding the Nazca mummies. It has been claimed that they are just old bones of animals, that they are Russian propaganda designed to confuse the west, that they are human remains that have been desecrated and many other claims.

Lost in all of this is the testimony of the archaeologist who has been studying them from the beginning, Thierry Jamin, president of the Inkari-Cusco Institute. Because he speaks little English, he has remained almost unheard in the Anglo-Saxon world.
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