Visitors to the Singapore zoo have noticed that the polar bears there have turned green. At first it was suspected that someone had sneaked into the compound and spray pained them. But then it was discovered that algae is growing in their fur. “The harmless algae is the result of Singapore’s warm and humid climate,” says zoo spokesman Vincent Tan. They’ve been returned to their original white state by being painted with a hydrogen-peroxide solution.

Another giant who sometimes looks a little green is Bigfoot. Does he really exist??Read the evidence!

To see a photo of a REAL green bear,click here.

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An Australian researcher has discovered that all snakes have poisonous venom, including pet snakes that are considered harmless. Bryan Fry says, “We even isolated from a rat snake, a snake common in pet stores, a typical cobra-style neurotoxin, one that is as potent as comparative toxins found in close relatives of the cobra.”

Fry discovered this by studying the evolutionary history of venomous snakes. He wanted to find out when snakes developed this means of protection and found that it only developed once, about 60 million years ago, which is millions of years earlier than scientists previously thought. This was before the snakes we think of as non-venomous arrived on the scene, meaning that all snakes actually contain dangerous venom.
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Fifty kangaroos escaped from a French nature preserve 30 years ago are happily living in a forest west of Paris. A park employee says, “The kangaroos’ presence in the forest didn’t happen yesterday. They began making the woods their own after some people who tried to steal them released several of them.” There are even Kangaroo Crossing signs on local roads. Francoise Grangeon, mayor of a town near the kangaroo-infested area, says, “Kangaroos have been part of our daily life for 20 years.”

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What’s in pet food? Other pets! Euthanised dogs and cats from veterinarians and animal shelters are routinely picked up and made into pet food, turning our pets into cannibals.
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