In the entirety of the animal kingdom, humanity has never held a monopoly on intelligence: considering that the concept of intelligence boils down to the ability to gather and usefully process information, this means that virtually all creatures possess at least some degree of intelligence. Humans tend to stand apart in this regard, due to the degree that our capacities have developed to, but even then many of these cognitive traits are shared with some of our non-human brethren: great apes such as chimpanzees are adept tool-users, prairie dogs have a sophisticated vocabulary, and octopuses have excellent problem solving skills.
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Twelve months ago, a study revealed a shocking decline in the global populations of so-called "priority species" creatures. The evidence suggested a 58 per cent drop in 210 key species during the forty year period between 1970 and 2010, with seven per cent being lost within the past five years.

It seems that the decline is not restricted to endangered or priority species, however, as new research by scientists at WWF and the Zoological Society of London found that the global situation is even worse than previously thought. According to a new analysis, in which 10,000 different populations of animals, birds and fish were examined, the number of all wild animals on Earth has more than halved during the past 40 years.
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The "interconnectedness of all things" is a notion embraced by the spiritual community and, more recently, by science in the field of quantum mechanics.

This area of research is still regarded as largely theoretical by the scientific community, however, unlike the "nuts and bolts" science that focuses on improving our medical and technological knowledge with solid, peer-reviewed studies.
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We do not have to look far in our immediate environments to find an example of an animal who is being confined, suppressed, or treated as a commodity. Despite a constantly increasing awareness of animal rights, they are still regarded as "lesser beings" when compared to the human race.
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