Anne Strieber comes out with her dukes up as she interviews William Henry about his recent Ancient Aliens appearance. Last week on Revelations, William interviewed Randy Maugans about the hype artists and liars who plague the internet with their fake conspiracy theories and scare stories. But isn’t Ancient Aliens full of misinformation? If so, why did William appear on it? There is quite a trajectory of discovery in this interview, and William offers some illuminating insights into the difference between claims worth exploring and those that are without credibility.
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Close encounter witness "Jim" has been seeing orbs above his house for 23 years and even RECORDED their sounds. He followed one to a nearby military base then entered it and taped some of them. They range in color from red, to orange, to white and some of them are 2-3 feet in diameter. He met a man who claimed to be an NSA operative who told him when to go out into his yard to see an orb, and the two times he did this, HUGE orbs appeared. During this fascinating interview, he plays some of the beeping sounds he recorded and tells of his efforts to communicate.
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From the day we are born and perhaps before, we are bombarded with contradictory claims that our lives are predestined and that we have free will. So which is right, or are both to a greater or lesser degree, true? Author and Dreamland guest host Marie D. Jones has written a new book about this called Destiny vs. Choice, and here she discusses not only where we are in terms of destiny and free will, but also how to tell the difference. You may not be able to change your destined life, but you may be able to determine a lot more about what parts of your future are inevitable and which ones you can change.
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First, Whitley Strieber reads the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke, then Anne Strieber offers her comments on the season. Then Whitley returns with another wildly hilarious Christmas story from his boyhood. All we can say about this one is that it’s proof that guardian angels are real, otherwise Whitley would no longer be with us!

Merry Christmas to all of you from me, Al Harlow, from Anne and Whitley Strieber, from Nikki Fox, James Beeson, Daniel Stegall, our announcers Ted Alexander and Brian Arnold and the whole Dreamland Team!
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