Artificial intelligence developer DeepMind has produced an AI program that can best any human — and any game-playing program, for that matter — in a number of classic board games. This new AI, called AlphaZero, is based on an earlier program called AlphaGo, the AI that defeated Go champion Lee Sedol in 2016, but is now proficient in the games of chess, Go, and shogi. But unlike its Go-dominating predecessor, of which required extensive programming to achieve its successes, AlphaZero wasn’t programmed in its mastery of the three classic games; instead, it taught itself.
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Linda Moulton Howe returns with a great show and some great news! The Linda Moulton Howe report is returning to Dreamland. When our new site is deployed, Linda will return twice a month with Linda Moulton Howe’s Dreamland reports.

In this show, she shares her thoughts on what might happen if the ongoing official release of UFO videos causes the media to become curious about the abductions. Will they take the sensationalistic route and cause panic, or will a more measured approach be preferred? And SHOULD a more measured approach be taken, given the intensity of some of the reports?
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Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and others have been warning about the dangers of weaponizing artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, the Pentagon and the Russian and Chinese militaries are already in an AI weapons arms race. The Pentagon has promised that it won’t release such weapons from human control, but whether or not they will learn to release themselves–or be programmed to under various circumstances–remains an unknown. Research projects in all three countries are deeply classified, but if one deploys autonomous intelligent weapons, then the others must do the same. The simple reason is that human control would then be too slow.
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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become the first country on the planet to grant citizenship to a robot. During the October 25th announcement at the Future Investment Initiative summit being held in Riyadh, the robot receiving the honor, named Sophia, said, "I am very honored and proud for this unique distinction. This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship."
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