It’s been discovered that DNA can travel on a meteorite, meaning that life on Earth could have been seeded from another planet–maybe even Mars. If that’s the case, we don’t need to look for life on Mars–we’re looking at it every time we see another human being!

On the MSNBC website, Charles Q. Choi quotes chemist Jim Cleaves as saying, "People have been finding nucleobases in meteorites for about 50 years now, and have been trying to figure out if they are of biological origin or not."
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We recently had a close call, and it turns out that the UK is one of the most vulnerable places on Earth, when it comes to an impact from a space rock. Experts there have created a chart showing which countries are most likely to suffer severe loss of life or catastrophic damage if a large asteroid hits the earth.

They have decided that the most vulnerable countries are Brazil, Britain, China, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Nigeria, the Philippines and the US. The countries on the list are highly populated nations, where an impact would mean millions of deaths.
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An asteroid the size of a city bus had a close call with earth on June 27th. The flyby was so close that it came nearer to us than some satellites are., Tariq Malik reports that the arriving space rock came closest to earth just after 1 pm Eastern Time, when it came within 7,500 miles of hitting us. Astronomers saw it coming on June 22, but didn’t feel the need to warn us because they were certain it wouldn’t impact.
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