NASA may return to space after all–but not to explore, to MINE the valuable minerals that are on asteroids, in a NEW TYPE of "Gold Rush." And we may use robots to do the dirty work.

Space scientists think that robots will be the astronauts of the future. They’ll explore the universe, find and identify extraterrestrial life and even clean up space debris in the process. In the April 24th edition of the New York Times, Kenneth Chang writes: "Perhaps it will be a platinum rush that finally opens up the final frontier."
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The are a lot of strange sounds around lately (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to these special reports). Two unusually powerful explosions occurred in Siberia on February 9th and 12th–were they caused by the same thing as the Tunguska explosion of 1908? The explosions were so huge that the residents of nearby cities felt powerful tremors and many of them ran out into the street in a more

Asteroid 255 YU55 will pass between the earth and the moon on Tuesday. The object is the larger than an aircraft carrier and would cause significant damage if it struck either our planet or the moon.

Predictably, it has become the subject of internet rumors that its orbit has changed and that it might therefore hit the moon. There is not the slightest actual evidence that anything like this has happened. Dan Yeomans, the director of NASA’s Near Earth Object Program has said, "We’re extremely confident, 100 percent confident, that this is not a threat."
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