Pope Francis’s accession to the Throne of St. Peter was announced on the 13th day of the month in the 13th year of the century, at exactly 13 minutes after 8 PM local time. He has come to lead a church swept by scandal and in a state of serious decline in much of the world. The Prophecy of St. Malachy suggests that he might be the last pope, and it may be true that his is the last papacy of the old style, because the Catholic Church is wracked by dissension, drowning in criminality, and so deeply tied to criminal financial activities that it may be unable to extract itself without going bankrupt.
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Astronomers have recently told astrologers that their readings were all wrong, because the gravitational pull of the moon has been interpreted the wrong way (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). On the IFA webnews site, Bob Graham says that "all those times I was told to ‘Fight the urge to bite more than I could chew’ or ‘Wait for clouds to clear before proceeding on an important task,’ I should have been, well, doing nothing, because my sign didn’t exist, or was wrong." Who is the most interested in all this? Why, INSURANCE AGENTS of course! It turns out that Virgos (Sept. 16 to Oct.read more